Home EOTech Best $1500 Rifle Scope

Best $1500 Rifle Scope


Best $1500 Precision Rifle Scopes. The $1500 price point is a great place to shop for a great rifle scope . All of the rifle scopes listed here are excellent choices for tactical , precision long range shooting , or varmint hunting.Scopes from Athlon , Bushnell , Element , SWFA , EOTech , Delta , Tract , Vortex , and other excellent scope makers are featured here . All of these scopes have precision reticles, exposed turrets , and excellent performance. Please leave comments and let other shooters know if I left off you favorite rifle scope .Thanks as always for watching and sharing my channel .

Guys here are some links that will help you save some money and get you entered into giveaways and discounts on scopes .

ARKEN OPTICS link . Use my code CYCLOPS at checkout to be automatically entered in a monthly give away . It is also an affiliate link which helps support my channel .

BLACKHOUND OPTICS link , shop and use my CYCLOPS code at checkout will guarantee free shipping and save you 5%

ACCUFIRE OPTICS link , use my code CYCLOPS at Accufire to save 5% on any Accufire Purchase.

VALDADA OPTICS . Use my code when you call Valdada on the Phone and save 10% on any VALDADA purchase. Must be done by phone . Link to Valdada .

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  1. Nailed it with the Tract. I believe
    It’s the only one with German, Schott glass. It doesn’t get any better. Great spotting scopes too. Can’t wait to received my Tract 12.5 x 50 binoculars in July. They have been sold out for months. Get them while you can. They are the best.

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