Best $1500 Precision Rifle Scopes. The $1500 price point is a great place to shop for a great rifle scope . All of the rifle scopes listed here are excellent choices for tactical , precision long range shooting , or varmint hunting.Scopes from Athlon , Bushnell , Element , SWFA , EOTech , Delta , Tract , Vortex , and other excellent scope makers are featured here . All of these scopes have precision reticles, exposed turrets , and excellent performance. Please leave comments and let other shooters know if I left off you favorite rifle scope .Thanks as always for watching and sharing my channel .
Guys here are some links that will help you save some money and get you entered into giveaways and discounts on scopes .
ARKEN OPTICS link . Use my code CYCLOPS at checkout to be automatically entered in a monthly give away . It is also an affiliate link which helps support my channel .
BLACKHOUND OPTICS link , shop and use my CYCLOPS code at checkout will guarantee free shipping and save you 5%
ACCUFIRE OPTICS link , use my code CYCLOPS at Accufire to save 5% on any Accufire Purchase.
VALDADA OPTICS . Use my code when you call Valdada on the Phone and save 10% on any VALDADA purchase. Must be done by phone . Link to Valdada .
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Meopta ?
I would I would still stay with my arken ep 5
Was or were any of the Riton scopes considered
Was or were any of the Riton scopes considered?
Was or were the Riton scopes considered?
I'll talk about the length and width
Then we'll talk about the scope
$1500 for a scope? Good God!!! Ummmm…I don't think so
Lifetime shipping

Wow, huge spider in background. Lower right at 10 seconds :10 to :24
So which ones (besides the Valdada) do you think have the best glass?
The vortex razor has 28.5 of elevation. Not sure where u got your info but it's wrong.
how about testing the burris eleminator 4 for glass quality and accuracy for us that just want a hunting scope without turrents, and shoot long range
Best reviews on YT IMHO. Joe did it again!
Nice if you commented on glass quality
Why don't you look at Zeiss and other quality brands.. For 1500$ you will get a real good Zeiss optic
I've got a SWFA 5-20×50 HD. It's a great scope for the money. I picked it up used with a sunshade and throw lever. It's built like a tank, and has performed very well.
The Vortex has 28.5 mils of total vertical travel.
Valdada or Delta?????
Great video ! Have you ever done a review of the Burris Eliminator ?
Put one of these on my red Ryder bb killer
Did anyone notice the HUGE spider walking on the grass??? :/ bottom right side… right in the beginning of the video????
I want. But no money
I very sad.
Joe, i don't know what you did to your voice speed delivery but it sounds like your shitfaced or taking anti-stuttering meds. Hurts my brain to slow down that much.
Nailed it with the Tract. I believe
It’s the only one with German, Schott glass. It doesn’t get any better. Great spotting scopes too. Can’t wait to received my Tract 12.5 x 50 binoculars in July. They have been sold out for months. Get them while you can. They are the best.
Damn it Joe….now I have to win Lotto or dance for old women to get one of those. Well…time to see if those speedo I wore in College still fit…over my new gut
. Great video