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Are aluminum ar-15 lower parts kits any good ??
I wouldn't openly say that "I like the KAK" to loudly. Great video and I appreciate the info.
What about aero triggers in their lower parts kit? It was the only lower parts kit available at my local military surplus store when I bought my 80% and upper
I been grabbing the kak for 39.95 on sale at places. They also have a lot better trigger then most others. Kak is my go to!!
Ar15 lower part kits kak on sale at Primaryarms 34.99
Thanks , very helpful.
You love the kak??

I can only vouch for the kak lpk.
he said…
Have you tried the Unbranded Ar LPK?
Great video. I agree with you about anderson. Good solid lowers for the price.
Thanks. Was on the fence on which ones to buy.
Garbage 7.5lbs LPK for under $40.
Thanks for the Information.
Performance Dosnt matter when you selling to the lowest bidder who is starving for anything.
Update:3/31/2021 34.99 GM LPK Out of Stock Rip