Home AR-15 ATI Omni Hybrid The Cheapest AR-15 Review $300

ATI Omni Hybrid The Cheapest AR-15 Review $300


A review of the cheapest production AR15 on the market. Do you get what you pay for? Click and find out.

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  1. The issue was the gas block was loose and during the current day testing it was not getting any gas. The problems after the gas block were a headspace issue which was fixed with using a different bolt. When the old slightly off spec bolt got dirty it would get stuck in the barrel.

  2. thats weird cause I have one and it runs amazing. I have changed some things up on it too though but when I first bought it a few years ago it ran great for the price of it brand new. good video though. hell I have even ran TulAmmo through it a ton for target practice and it runs great as well and thats the cheapest ammo I could find haha. its honestly been one of the most reliable rifles I have and I have a couple I fully built with good parts ( not saying any of them run badly at all just that its comparable for the price).

  3. sounds like a good candidate for a .22 LR conversion which does not need gas, or a buffer w/spring, and has it's own chamber. I would not worry about the polymer either when it's just .22 LR. Not a total loss.

  4. I have an ATI MilSport, and it is a very accurate and reliable rifle. It's not made from polymer, however, did have polymer parts inside including the FCG. I immediately replaced all the polymer parts..even before I fired the first shot because I didn't want any disappointments. And it didn't. Probably 5000 rounds through it, with a few ammo related misfeeds/misfires. With quality ammo, or my personal handloads, it operates perfectly. I paid $450.00 for it, and spend $60 on an Aero LPK, replaced the cheesey handguard, installed a Rise Armament drop in trigger, and a Vortex SparcII. So for $850.00, it is a very nice reliable and fun shooter.

  5. Thanks for the review. I might be better off
    with a high point. My
    son has one of those
    hi Point Rifles in .45 ACP that is reliable.
    I think your advice is
    good so I will save up
    a few months an buy
    an M&P Sport Ii Rifle.

  6. I have one in .300 blk. No issues yet. Also, PF accurate, in my experience. I dialed it in on my scope and I could follow the round from right to left in the center of the target as I clicked and dialed my scope in.

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