Brownells Gun Tech Steve Ostrem talks a little bit about Ar-15 buffer weights, and their uses in different AR-15 Builds. He covers everything from your standard carbine to your heavy pistol recoil buffers.
Colt Carbine H2 Heavy Buffer 160-000-394
Hahn Precision AR-15/M16 Pistol Cartridge Recoil Buffer 100-002-513
Rock River Arms AR-15 Carbine Buffer 739-000-006
Geisele Super 42 Tungsten Buffer Weigh 100-020-75
DPMS AR-15/M16 Heavy Buffers 231-000-358
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Great video, and thank you. My .300 BLK behaves poorly with suppressed loads, and is basically a single shot. What buffer would you recommend for that application? Thanks in advance!!
? How do you know witch one is on your gun ?
Best videos around
Can you guys help me out I recently changed my buffer and buffer spring on my DDM4V7 I switched out my standard H buffer and went with a H2 tungsten buffer I ordered from brownells and switched out my buffer spring and ordered one on blackout defense a carbine length spring now I took my new setup (by the way I also switched out my BCG to a sharps XPB) and now it’s either double feeding or it’s getting jammed and on the bullets you can see where the lugs on the BCG are striking the bullet when trying to cycle almost like the BCG is striking the top of the bullet has anyone had this issue and fixed it thanks !
You answered one of my questions when you shook the carbine buffer and it rattled. Haha good video. Thanks
By what he said, there's no point to use Standard or H buffers since H2 are easier on the gun.
Okay I have a full length M16 butt stock using the rifle buffer. Are there different weights rifle buffers? My rifle is a M16 A1 clone, 20” barrel with rifle gas system. Just curious if there are different rifle system buffers. Considering buying a Rare Breed FRT15 trigger and there are recommendations for using a heavier buffer. A carbine buffer is an easy replacement.
so installed a rare breed FRT trigger the last rd of the 5.56 fails to fire and will not throw the BCG back to let me know it's empty not mater which kind of mag i try that would mean i need a h2 right. i am currently using a carbine . i would like to get the Super 42 Braided Wire Buffer Spring and Buffer Combo, H1 from "Geissele" . i dont want to be out the money if i do get it and it don't work. you think that would help? i have the M&P 15 sport with a FRT trigger
How can you tell which weight a particular buffer is? The admittedly few I have seen do not seem to be marked in any way.
18 inch 350 legend buffer recommendations?!
The pistol has the heaviest buffer because it has the shortest suspension. Aka buffer tube and spring and buffer length. Short suspension, heavy buffer. You feel a lot of recoil this way. Need to lengthen suspension so buffer doesn't bottom out and give you that kick. I'd stick with the heavier buffer and longer buffer tube and a carbine spring for best results. A carbine spring has more room between its coils to allow for more movement without bottoming out. Once a spring bottoms out, or any other part bottoms out, then the spring looses its functionality and all remains energy its felt in the kick or recoil, while putting the bolt and frame under great stress. Bottoming out the bolts buffer system is bad.
Why are you looking over there? the camera is to your right…
I decided on an 18" barrel and a mid length gas system, but when the barrel showed up it was only 16" long but still a mid length gas system.
When the gun was assembled , it would not fully cycle failing to catch and feed the next round after extraction. Often it would not fully extract the fired brass, so I tried to lighten the buffer by removing a steel weight and replacing it with a home made aluminum one.
The gun runs fine, cycles as it should, and the recoil is not bad at all! And just so you know………
16" barrel needs a Carbine length gas system.
18" barrel needs a Mid length gas system.
20" barrel needs a rifle length gas system.
You guys are awesome.
Why dont you guys sell the weights and spacers on brownells? I usually get them from KAK industires.
Mr Stoner might beg to differ
n00b question here. would it be redundant to have a heavier buffer in conjunction with an adjustable gas block?
Yeah don mick tnkz for the recommending I got mine from the same store *immaglockdealer on Wickr * is reliable and legit
I have an AR-15 rifle length tube and a rifle length buffer system. The gas block is tuned perfectly. Ejects the casing at a 4:00 position. But my ball carrier group will not catch and cycle the next bullet. So my AR-15 effectively only fires one bullet at a time. Will a lighter buffer solve the problem or will a heavier buffer help it cycle better?
So im building my first gun i have all the parts i need but a buffer spring and weight and i was woundering what would be best for a ar15 chambered in 410ga 2 1/2 inch shotgun shells
I was at a gun shop the other day and the owner said that he always starts with over sizing the Gasport first because he's never heard of switching buffer Springs or buffer weight…..

The one buffer he didnt talk about, an h3 buffer, is the one i wanted to hear about.