Home AR-15 Kyle Rittenhouse and the AR15 Forward Assist

Kyle Rittenhouse and the AR15 Forward Assist


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During a Tucker Carlson interview with Kyle Rittenhouse I learned that Kyle used the forward assist to resolve a malfunction while on the ground. I didn’t see this in the original video so I went back to see if I could find it. I talk about the ar15’s forward assist, why it’s present on modern AR’s and discuss the utility of it in general.

#ar15 #malfunction

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  1. ive never had an issue with the alignment issue you talk about (claw aligning with the notches). most of the time i use it its just because i dont wanna let the bolt drop hard. i dunno maybe just me.

  2. My 15 yrs in Marine Infantry..from M16A2 to M16A4….I don't remember really ever using the forward assist..IA drill for FTF issues was tap, rack, bang…rack a new round…as far as bolt not going into full battery….improper lubrication is only thing i can think. But like u said…forward assist is good to have…..
    Good on Kyle that reacting to FTF….Impressive gun handling skills! True gun fighter!

  3. USMC 1975. immediate action. 1. pull charging handle to rear and close the bolt. 2. hit the forward assist. 3. tap the base of the magazine, aim and attempt to fire. never had an issue where i needed to take such action, but it was heavily emphasized in training.

  4. AS far as recharging the weapon he would have wasted a round in a situation where every round was critical from multiple attackers and it would have taken him a precious fraction of a second longer. Whether this was instinct, forethought, or reflex, we wont know.

  5. 👍Good question. I own several ar's. Always believed if a round didn't feed right don't force it, chamber a new one. Who knows how one reacts under life threatening pressure. Never been there myself.✌🇺🇸🇺🇸

  6. In the court case where "the weapon" was displayed in the hands of the prosecutor, I could have sworn it was not the weapon used. My first glance went right to the bolt and looking at I was certain, it did not have a FA. I could be wrong.

  7. I used to use the forward assist to push the bolt closed for those odd times when I get my charging handle stuck on my shirt, or somehow knock my bolt out of battery. All my rifles, AK, CETME, AR, and others have had the bolt not fully into battery at some point in time. I did not use the forward assist for malfunction clearing. One day I look at my bolt and notice that cut-out on the side of the bolt is conveniently thumb shaped, so I tried using my thumb to push the bolt home instead of using the assist. I found using my thumb allowed me to give the bolt even more force and more reliably push the bolt into battery. So, from now on, I prefer no forward assist. Since I learned that technique, the forward assist is now superfluous.

  8. I started handling AR-15's / M16 variants in 1994. Civilian and military use and never used the forward assist until my SWAT team started running 11.5" suppressed ARs. On training day we dump about 1k-2k rounds and around 500-1k the bolt won't seat sometimes. When in the middle of training drill, I will hit that forward assist. After the drill, a crap load of lube fixes the problem for another 500-100k rounds. If a gun fight happens where 500+ rounds are expended individually as a cop, things have gone really bad, especially since we don't have that many rounds on our kit. It does have a purpose though and I'm glad it's there.

  9. @Military Arms Channel Stoner vehemently denied the need for a forward assist and stated that the shallow area on the bolt carrier for thumb assist was sufficient. You mentioned that feature on the HK 93 but I don't think you mentioned it on the M16 or AR15.

  10. Say what the forward assist actually does some thing oh my God!!! I don’t know I’ve used it overseas and it worked for me it’s one of those things better to have it not needed them to need it and not have it!

  11. Kyle obviously had training with an AR. His lightning fast recognition of the round being out of battery and use of the forward assist is testament to that all while under extreme duress.

  12. I'm similarly agnostic about the FA, especially since the dish in the side of the BCG was intended to be used exactly like that serrated portion on an HK bolt carrier – nudge it forward with your finger.

    The advantage of directly pushing the BCG with your finger, of course. Is, you cannot use enough force to make a jam worse .

    OTOH, there's nothing preventing you from doing it that way, even if you have a FA on your rifle. I've never seen a FA break in a way that would actually tie up.the gun, nor does it add any significant weight, so it's not something that reduces form, fit, or function of the rifle.

  13. In my experience most malfunctions that can be rectified by the forward assist will be cleared by a good solid smack on the bottom of the mag. We were always trained tap, rack, bang. I will say, though, that the Rittenhouse incident is going to be great training material for years to come. It's a real world AR-15 civilian self defense scenario with multiple attackers in a crowded urban area with a very dynamic movement profile. Honestly it plays out like a 2 gun stage when you break it down.

  14. I wonder if they are every going to go after Lefty for illegally carrying a firearm and attempting to kill Kyle now that court has proven Kyle was acting is self defense. By default that makes Lefty the aggressor…

  15. i don't get why the foward assist gets so much hate. it came in handy for me once when my m4 was covered in dirt and i had a few mags through it. It jammed up and the recoil spring wasnt applying enough force to fully chamber the round, but the foward assist pushed it foward and i could continue firing

  16. It’s funny how many people heard him using the FA and immediately no longer had a problem with it being there. It’s almost like having a forward assist on a rifle without a reciprocating charging handle is a good thing….

  17. I always thought the forward assist was a good idea. I passed over rifles that did not have it, even in 9mm chamberings. Kyle's encounter confirmed for me my fears about not having one. You're not always holding the gun solidly. It can have things blocking the ejection port, etc. It's a handy feature of the gun.

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