In this episode of TFBTV, James Reeves is at Red Oktober 2021. Today he’s speaking with the guys from Battle Arms Development about their new and inexpensive “EKG” AK-47 trigger, as well as their PDW-style collapsible stock for the AR-15. The EKG is as cheap as $50 from Primary Arms:
‣ Trigger: EKG AK Trigger:
‣ Apparel: All TFBTV apparel is sponsored by 5.11 Tactical and you can get it at www.511tactical.com
‣ Sunglasses: James ALWAYS wears the Electric Knoxville:
‣ Eye Pro: James loves Oakley M-Frames for indoor ranges:
‣ Ear Pro: Walker Razors are some of the best, dollar-for-dollar:
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Good to see fellow unmasked Americans
1:06 – 1:18 Didn't hear anything he said
1:18 boy that's fast
Diggin that shirt James
Step aside, James. You used to be the tight pants prince but ol Jay…ol Jay is rockin a big ol chubby outline at 4:27 .
James is never gonna let those guys forget about putting him up on a truck stop.
Gonna say it……your one handed shooting in the intro….douche bag! The AR stock is interesting.
At over $400 bucks little awkward dude your just wasting our time and yours!! Haha
Jesus Christ I can’t even believe you said that bullshit Lol the SB tactical is under $300 bucks, it’s a headache to get yes!! But why would ANYBODY pay that shit over the trusted SB Brace?? Lol 
Who else seen that dump truck in the background
Tapco g2 is unsafe too. Bumpfires if you try to trap the trigger.
Guess its ok if you slap the trigger like James at 1:18
I hate you James
because I am not allowed to use a fully automatic or semi automatic rifle because of my stupid government 
I want it. I want it someday because I am patient, I guess.
If B.A.D. is reading I would definitely be interested in one of your triggers if you released a normal looking version
I own some of these. GRITTY. I keep them for back up parts.
wow, there's a Black man's kriptonyte at 1:08
I am sooooo upset I missed it this year, due to financial issues. Definitely making it next year.
Lol… this trigger is trash. Sample size of one, but wouldn't reset the trigger in 3 different combloc ak's. Just hammer follow after hammer follow. Bulgarian surplus is way better and a 1/5 of the price. Emailed BAD a week ago and still no response. Stay in your lane and keep making great AR parts
Shoots full auto machine gun…
"God blesss this country!"
FFL, check, SOT, check… Yay now i can bless this bureaucratic nightmare of a shit show called the NFA
Maybe a haircut that doesn't scream incel…
Aww, but I like to beat around the bush.
1:10 damn she's thickkkkkk
James pissed about being put in that truck stop
Not impressed. But glad people are trying
Imagine buying $2k -$3k gun and needing to a cheap trigger because you can’t afford a decent trigger.
I'm not super versed in this realm of firearms, but I do own a vepr12, will these triggers work in the chubby rpk platforms from molot, specifically my shotgun?
I have a tapco trigger in my saiga AK and it is badass. This will be a good buy for sure
Love the synth wave intro music – Wolverines!
That trigger seems nice!! Especially for the price.
Girl in the jeans was gorgeous, completely distracted me during that part of the interview.
How many years in the gulag did James receive for shooting an AR at Red Oktober?
Lighter trigger pull is nice however a curved trigger is gay , id rather get a ALG or custom make a flat trigger
1:12 great background eye candy James
An AK video that’s 9:22 long. Nice
Finally, a G2 successor. Would love to see a no speed holes version in the mid $30s.