This pistol is setup to be carried easily in a standard bag or backpack without having to separate the upper and lower halves. Unfolding the buffer tube and racking the charging handle is a lot quicker and easier than trying to align pivot pins.
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Boo! Stfu just show the gun. Lame
Good tastefully build…would be nice if you can list parts and where to buy…
Bada tsssssss. Cops!!!! Lol
Lol I’m only joking
Why does clang and bang have this exact AR??? I mean even the brace is the same color paint and all
“That’s why I’m sweating I haven’t been watching cops” u earned a sub and like from me with that
What's the length of the pistol when the stock is folded.
Nice build I just built my first one (7.62×39) …Tell me what you think ….
I'm in the middle of a pistol build myself and wanted the Law Folder with the Blade brace, but from what I'm seeing the ATF is stating the LOP (Length of Pull) measured from the further most point of your brace when fully extended to the face of the trigger cannot exceed 13.5" or it "could constitute a repurposing of the brace as a stock." Just curious if yours meets the requirements before I spend the money on the folder. Thanks!!
Could we get a parts list perhaps? Thanks
im new will all there parts fit on a S&W Sport 2?
Who makes that muzzle device. Looks good.
Whats a good carry bag for a 7.5 ar pistol. I didn't install the law tactical folding brace
Very nice bro cheers
What is the total length when folded?
1:27, OMG, I'm using a 7.5" Wylde barrel and that's the same FBD I chose for my build. Your range video with this build is amazing. I hope mine runs well when I finish it.
hi, I'm an Italian guy and I follow your videos but I don't speak English. I would like to know the handguard of which brand it is and its size thanks
I have a 7.5” 300 black out and also have the same folding stock.
Omg I just kept looking at the blue on the blade
I love the look of your AR pistol! It's the model of how I want to build mine. I'll have to send pics when its done.
I like how your muzzle device barely pokes out I'm trying to do that to my 10.5 in barrel with 12 in. Mlok guard
Is a tax stamp required on AR pistol?
Brother love the build, but I am a bit scare for you….. that 7.5 is too short… maybe a handstop at the end of the hand guard would have been my choice… but its all about preference…otherwise I am happy for you

It looks cool bro nice build
Great job on both videos. I'm going to doing the same builds myself thanks for sharing the info it's really helpful and saves me time and money. I recommend you watching a video 5.56mm Gel test: Black Hills 50gr TSX FROM"The Chopping Block" YouTube channel. this looks like it will produce the velocity and devastating wound channel from short barrels. Onceagainhreat video and please Let me know what you think about the black hills ammo.
Nice set up! I keep an 8.5” in the car and a 7.5” as a HD. I’ve got a few 16” builds, but I can’t get past the braced pistol builds for CQB.
Oh yea, I keep soft points in both of mine as well. The Hornady Black BTHP doesn’t necessarily expand, nor do any HP 5.56 rounds I’ve found, very well out of any of my ARs. The mags I use are pmag 40 rounders and 30s. I keep two 40s coupled and in the gun, and 5 30s in the GHB. Not a fan of the D60 just yet. Looks slick AF in these short pistols, but 80>60 imo. Even if it’s spread b/t two mags
How long is your gas tube?
Mines ten and half

what spring did you use?
Good content. I subscribed. I just started a gun channel check it out sub if you like. Thanks brother. Here is the link
Nice vid bruh! Keep GRIND'N!
nice build, i'm going to build something like that next. thanks bro
How's it going?? Just got done with 10.5 SBR, should be getting the tax Stamp ,your set up is nice Good stuff!!!
Nice compact set up I just love AR pistols.
Don't listen to the haters! You build what you Damn well want and enjoy.
I can't deal with the blue. Gun is ruined.