Home AR-15 What You Need to Know About Building An AR Pistol: 300 AAC...

What You Need to Know About Building An AR Pistol: 300 AAC Pistol Build

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  1. I have a 300bo upper and I love the way it shoots. I sprung for a Wilson Combat barrel and it shoots way under 1 moa as long as I do my part but you are right, for a 10" build the cheapest barrel will work just fine. I have decided to build a pistol and purchased a 16" barrel with the pistol gas port and had it cut down and recrowned, cheaper than a 10.5" pistol barrel and I wanted the bull configuration. You've inspired me to get off my ass and finish it with the changes in the ATF rulings. Thanks for the video.

  2. Good Video, Thank You. I was wondering what kind of buffer tube you were using with the pistol configuration and What would you recommend to someone who has his lower and upper half finished.

  3. I have a 14.5" 300BO and its not a fan of the heavy weight bullets. but the 150gr Hornadys I get 1" groups at 100 yards no problem. It been my deer rifle the last couple years and i cant wait to take a deer with it.

  4. Glad to see 300 Blackout resurfacing… I built my pistol in 2017 (to enjoy while the Form 1 was processing), then converted it to an SBR once the stamp arrived. Two weeks later, my other stamp arrived for the 30 cal Silencer. I'm hoping pricing for ammo will start dropping as several agencies and tactical groups are switching now. Did I say that several manufacturers are now offering both pistol and SBR offerings in 300 Blackout.

  5. Never would have guessed it would shoot that group! I looked at those triggers based on your recommendation, just couldn't do it for the old lady but when I go to build MY next AR……..
    LOL!! Take care brother, Stay in the Fight! -Randy

  6. Why am I still confused what did I miss? How does the ATF know what you have done with your gun? How do they originally know that you built it as a rifle but decided to change it yo a pistol? I love your cabin and the unfinished pine door and your deck, beautiful I live in E. WA and always wanted to buy acreage and build a cabin/house on it.

  7. or just use 80% lowers and build whatever you want. I will never comply! These laws are contemptibly silly and protect no one. You dont need the government's permission to exercise a right you already have.  Its funny how you have a Dont Tread on Me flag in the background but your doing a video on how to comply with the tread.

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