Shooting an old Colt California Highway Patrol AR15 Dissipator.
Video on the Windham Weaponry Dissipator I mentioned:
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As you experienced shooters already know, the leaves blowing up at 35 seconds is the result of muzzle blast, not ricochet.
Also, the video on the Windham Weaponry Dissipator I mentioned:
Nicolas Cruz
Erwin Tennessee, the only town to publicaly hang a full grown elephant !
Would love to see a Hickok/Ted Nugent Collab video
I the Dems had their way all police would carry a stun gun and a social worker
Watch the ground, its golden from all Rounds he fired so fard
Is it the More the Air and or gas or holes it. Has will make it Accurate…

Joe Biden has announced anyone with this weapon is a domestic terrorist. Welcome to Democrats hell, we can expect a visit from the FBI, NSA,DOJ, or your wonderful CIA.
I love Old guns And new guns And i love baonets on guns. And with a good training any can gun can be a good weapon.
I'm guessing these were at first carried only by supervisors in their Crown Vics. Apart from that, in 2002, I only noticed only shotguns and Mini-14s carried in patrol vehicles. Lived in Victorville at the time.
That pic actually looks like in game stuff
make on winchester 12 shortgun
Yeah, I get that whole walk away from the trouble business. But I can't help wondering if tomorrow morning we started not walking away from the trouble and took a stand, would the condition of the republic be in a better place
I doubt Windham is offended. Lugers are so cool.
The leaves effect is amazing!!
that 2nd bullet was a mad ric came right back and scared me 0_0
man is still at it
Fantastic, and l don't care either !
It’s not CA legal how is it a CHP weapon?
Your gun reviews are amazing, thank you! I didn't see a review of an Extar EP9. Would you ever review this gun?
This is one of my preferred presentations. Very informative. 10/10.
Right on
I never knew watching an old man shooting objects could be so… relaxing
Great history lesson. Support the Blue because they serve and protect me and you!
My reason for building one was the long sight radius, in a less clumsy carbine. The joy is shooting it at 50 yds very accurately, with no optics. I'm planning on creating a butterknife bayonette for it some day.
Great video keep it up!
Thank you again.
I see why you would love that rifle…
He is a suparman 78 years old bur very danger man bravo