Finished my dry fire session with 6 reload 6…
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Finished my dry fire session with 6 reload 6…
Get Virtual Or Face-2-Face Training
I Run And Gun Apparel
Get A Mantis:
Amazing ♠️
What is your typical daily dry fire routine to get ready for an IDPAUSPSA competition. Thinking about doing IDPAUSPSA, but worried about not being ready for it. Do you recommend any books or drills at home and at the range. I'm limited to an indoor range at the moment, the closest outdoor range is like a 3 hour drive. Just starting out and think competition would help me become better at gun handling and identify any weaknesses.
This will Draco from the gun group keep making these videos brother

Very good video. Thank you.
which mag carrier is that? I need my mag to sit a little higher.
It's important to keep practicing so we can get the hang of it. Thank you for your teachings.