Home AR-15 Top 5 Non-AR15 Rifles

Top 5 Non-AR15 Rifles


In this episode of TFBTV, James Reeves goes over the top 5 rifles that are NOT an AR-15, but that ARE chambered in 5.56mm or .223 caliber like the AR-15 or M16. This was a tough list to make but James buckled down and did it anyways. Do you agree with this list? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to subscribe if you haven’t already.


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  1. I’m so firsty mom

    If my “7 Reasons the AK-47 is Terrible for SHTF Survival” video taught me anything, it’s that AK enjoyers have a hard time picking up subtle humor, probably due to FAS. (Link below. Seriously, check the comments to that video, they are incredible, especially the people who think that I really believe Jesus Christ was born in the United States [and he was btw].) So, a couple of points of clarification for your oldest child to read out loud to you before this video begins:

    1) I like AKs, and I think I have 12-13 at this point. I did a video on them when I had about 10 last year.

    2) I consider Brandon Herrera a close, personal, friend (not in a straight way).

    3) I love all of you deeply, even you brainlet AK owners.

    So now, enjoy the list. I think you may be pleasantly surprised by #3.

    – James

    Why the AK Sucks video:

  2. I think the Ruger American Ranch is a pretty cool bolt alternative.. More accurate than all of these, takes ar mags, easy to mount optics and it's light as all hell… Plus it's only a few hundred bucks.

  3. Hey that guy in the front of the picture with the "baby poop" camo rifles has a G3! You can tell by the rear sight. So the FAL had some competition obviously.

  4. There is not a single throwaway on the list. I have to admit that I would have never given the Ruger Mini-14 a second glance if it wasn’t for the mods that James added to the rifle. The stainless steel with wood stock and that multi folding minimalist metal brace is sick. It looks like a steam punk weapon. Without a doubt that is coolest looking rifle that you showed us. James hit this list out of the ball park and they are still looking for the ball. Can’t wait for part 2.

  5. The Mini 14 is really overrated. At a recent carbine class, the one student with a Mini 14 never got through an entire magazine with a malfunction. My much maligned PSA AR had a single malfunction over 1500 rounds.

  6. Great video. I have one not on this list: Armalite AR-180 A (Sterling). Stamped steel, and like others you covered with internal recoil springs, it has a folding stock. Extremely reliable, shoots both 5.56 and .223. Negatives: It's heavy and magazines are difficult to find. Cheers!

  7. Actually wouldn't you be able to just slap the charging handle on the NATO Aug backwards? You pulled it, but it doesn't look so complicated that a slap wouldn't work. Not as sexy as a HK slap but still.

  8. "Sig didnt pay me" hmmmm yeah ok. I know you and your sneaky lawyer ways, probably have 10 different shell companies set up with untraceable off shore accounts Sig is paying you through. Pretty genius of Sig's marketing team. Somehow Sig knows that the only way they can get me to buy a Sig, is by watching TFB. Its a classic, win win WIN scenario. Sig gets my money so thats a win for them. I get a Sig thats a win for me. James WINS, he gets a SIG and SIG money. If only I had gone to law school.

  9. I have a ar 15 and a ar pistol and a ak47. The ak blows them away. Ars are kind of a girls gun. I can see why so many people on YouTube like them, especially since the online gun community is filled with a bunch of pansys. Lmfao

  10. Russian made guns are of the lesser quality compared to Western made arms, because Russian metallurgy and manufacturing quality sucks, and always have been. This applies to EVERYTHING mechanical produced in Russia. There is no such expression like “Russian quality”, that would be a joke to every Russian, unlike “Swiss quality”, “German quality”, “American quality”.

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