Fun Gun Reviews Presents: How the AR-15 Trigger Works. This is a quick demonstration and overview of how America’s Favorite Rifle works.
Thanks for watching~ Sootch00
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Thank You! I watch all your videos!
Great explanation
Almost had to call you out but you pulled out the safety vest like a boss and then I thought to myself this guy knows what he’s doing keep up the good work

merica great video…
My trigger is pulling but the hammer isn’t releasing
Ahhh I understand, There is a part in there that people should leave out when putting back together. Maybe a heavy barrel upgrade as well.
Excellent presentation. Clear and to the point
Iv gone from not much liking Sooch , to much liking Sooch , he is good, and he does reviews, or adds , because he is respected and good pistol shooting
Why in the hell is an auto seat needed to make full auto. I am so confused as to why one can’t just saw off the hook that catches the hammer when the trigger is held in. Because the only thing keeping that hammer from hitting that pin over and over is the hook when the trigger is still pulled, and when you release the trigger the hammer is catching on the disconnect notch, but if the trigger is held and that hook is gone it not stopping until you release the trigger and it catches on the original notch they holds the trigger until you pull the trigger
I went to a trigger group once. I really didn't get very emotional about it which seemed to really upset everyone else.
Best explanation of the disconnect I have seen. Thank you!
Thank you for showing us that do not see these things! Much clearer now thanks for your time

wait, so the disconnector hook is supposed to catch the trigger? Mine just gets stuck and then can't release.
Cool! I have M16A1 fullauto lower
My m4 safety selector not go to safe position without cocking a hammer. When i charge a handle and cock a hammer then it goes to safe position. Plz make video on it.
Great video
Hey, does anyone know what would cause the selector switch to be loose? My selector switch almost freely rotates there is no resistance from safe to fire. Would it be a little spring under the selector switch?
Do you have a three burst video ?
Thank you. I didnt relize the Bolt brings the hammer back. I thought the spring did. Great video
Thank you.. from a new guy.
Well done
Honestly best video on the subject I’ve found
You have a great voice for instructing/narrating. You sound a great deal like Dale Dye Jr., a Great Marine, and great actor.
Thank you
I watched this at 50% speed about five times. Now I got it. Thanks for this.
Excellent video instruction, professionally presented! Fellow Christian & Patriot!
Nice closeup,well done
This was super thorough and informative. Thank you so much!
that shit way outta focus bro damn
Did I just figure out how to make my AR-15 full auto?
How hard should the hammer strike the firing pin to fire standard mil spec ammo? Is there a certain poundage associated with this?
this video is underrated
Good afternoon I have a question replace trigger gun firing on safety on switch what's the problem
Everyone wants a lighter trigger pull and a heavier hammer strike. Why can’t you install a weak trigger spring and a powerful hammer spring.
Asking for a friend
Great explanation, I like how you use the actual trigger part in the demonstrations – instead of naming them. Many of us are new to trigger functions & find it easier when we can see it happen.
Thanks again,
Please do a simple demonstration of how the binary trigger is different.
My safety selector won’t go on safety when decocked. Please help
Just got my first ar15. Very good explanation. How about the gas tube bolt carrier buffer spring system next?