Home AR-15 Federal judge likens AR-15 to Swiss Army knife while overturning assault weapons...

Federal judge likens AR-15 to Swiss Army knife while overturning assault weapons ban


A federal judge overturned California’s longtime ban on assault weapons on Friday in a ruling that likened the AR-15 to a Swiss Army knife.
Assault weapons have been banned in California since 1989, according to the ruling. The law has been updated several times since it was originally passed.
According to the ruling by US District Judge Roger Benitez of San Diego, the assault weapons ban violates the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms and deprives Californians from owning assault-style weapons commonly allowed in other states. Benitez issued a permanent injunction Friday so the law cannot be enforced.
“Like the Swiss Army Knife, the popular AR-15 rifle is a perfect combination of home defense weapon and homeland defense equipment,” Benitez said in the ruling. “Firearms deemed as ‘assault weapons’ are fairly ordinary, popular, modern rifles.”
In his ruling, the judge also criticized the news media, writing, “One is to be forgiven if one is persuaded by news media and others that the nation is awash with murderous AR-15 assault rifles. The facts, however, do not support this hyperbole, and facts matter.”
According to 2019 FBI data, the handgun was the most commonly used weapon in murders and accounted for 6,368 victims in 2019. Knives or cutting instruments accounted for 1,476 murders, rifles accounted for 364 murder victims, and “firearms, type not stated” accounted for 3,281 victims, the data shows.
Still, an AR-15 style rifle has been the weapon of choice for the most violent mass killings in modern history, including in a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado; the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh; the Route 91 Harvest musical festival in Las Vegas; a massacre at a church in Texas; the Pulse nightclub in Orlando; a high school in Parkland, Florida; and the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.

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  1. The only thing that these gun laws do is stop law abiding citizens from being able to protect themselves. If someone is thinking about shooting a school. And that person knows that 8 out of 10 teachers might have a gun to shoot back. Then maybe the bad person might rethink their decisions. Common people it's not rocket science stand up to make our schools and streets safer.

  2. Complete ignorance. A swiss army knife cant kill 30 people in 10 seconds.tell that swiss army crap to the victims of the Las Vegas shooting victims half that concert audience of 500 was struck by gunfire or shrapnel in this increase of racial aggression and political division in society currently .this move can be like throwing gas on a fire.completely stupid!

  3. If you don't understand how an AR is the Swiss army knife of rifles, then you don't understand rifles… Also, what do people think will happen to all the other guns if we made ARs illegal… One could do just as much damage with a lever action rifle and 2 pistols.

  4. Finally a judge that can see through the BS of these crazy people. WHy take away my rights because some crazy person. That's crazy… Some guy has a wreck and they take away my car.. It's the same thing.

  5. You don't know if it was an assault rifle. Most shootings involve pistols. And just so you know look up how many killings happen by cigarettes. Or knives. You don't see them outlawing them. You give up your right to bare arms you give your life over to liberal dictators.

  6. Finally a judge with a BRAIN!!!!! And stop blaming the tool it's the person behind the weapon. If not get ready cuz ima start a petition to ban cars and cigarettes cuz they kill more people 🤣🤣 y'all CNN ppl are more stupid than I thought…

  7. What i truly don’t understand is how do democrats expect to pass laws to restrict these ‘assault’ guns while NOT having a true definition of it…..as if they just want ANY gun to be illegal… oh, wait

  8. Benitez is right. These weapons are used overwhelmingly by law abiding citizens for lawful purposes. And before someone rhetorically says “mass shootings aren’t lawful” remember that 95 percent of shooting murders are committed using handguns, not rifles. The Virginia Tech mass shooting was committed with 2 handguns. If you are really serious about reducing gun violence you should ban handguns

  9. Freedom of speech is absolute: freedom to repel a tyranny in government is also absolute:
    that is why this is the greatest country on Earth…

    Some say the Judges ruling was grossly irresponsible, it may be that it’s more irresponsible to destroy the cornerstones of the constitution that make this nation a beacon of liberty – for all people seeking freedom from tyranny ..

    People stand for days if not weeks – in long lines at US consulate offices to immigrate to this great nation, why do they leave their countries – because in their countries – unchecked tyranny exist and corruption in government is rampant…

  10. It doesn't matter what the subject. The left likes making little steps. What they want is a blanket gun ban. So We should just trust the government to protect us? You know they want total control with no way to fight back. It's the obvious end game.

  11. The Stockton murder was committed by a very mentally ill extremist who was arrested several times throughout his lifetime, including for having guns, and grew up in an abusive home. The police had several opportunities to keep him detained, or sent to a mental institution, but they did not. That mass murder was the fault of the California justice system, not the gun he used. He was angry and ill. He would have used any weapon, including a truck to kill those kids. Stop blaming the guns, and point the fingers at the justice system. They almost always have the chance to stop the murderers.

  12. "The right of the people to own and bear arms shall not be INFRINGED" means shall not be hindered or incurred upon by Government to the slightest degree. It's a constitutional right hashed out in very simple English. The age of nonsensical Liberal Judicial Activism when such simple language an be construed to mean it can be regulated and severely curtailed whenever government thinks it's better for society should be put to an end. If you disagree with widespread ownership of effective guns, get 2/3rds of Congress and 3/4ths of the States to agree with you and AMEND THE CONSTITUTION! The same goes for as holes who disagree with free speech and advocate censorship.

  13. If you remove suicides from the 'gun violence' numbers (and you should), the number of times per year that firearms are used for self-defense is much higher than the times they're used to kill people. The numbers aren't even close.

  14. The only thing the judge did was uphold the 2A. CNN and it’s “reporters” are a joke. The comments didn’t turn out the way you had hoped did they?

  15. The AR15 is a firearm that is granted to all law abiding citizens protected under the second amendment. The ATF is not a law making body, they cannot enforce the made up laws the create. Only those elected by the people can pass laws. The ATF is going to go too far and the people will take a stand. The 2nd amendment is a fluent right that adapts to technology. If the government has it, the people can have it to defend against a tyrannical government.

  16. Are liberals are free to leave this country. Of course other countries don't have welfare, and are not gender confused. Many do bad things to gay's. Quit whining and grow a set.

  17. I agree the AR platform is perfect for hunting or protecting onc rights and keep you safe.

    Everyone that lost someone seem to be more concerned about guns and don't care about the problem. They don't seem to care about the problem. What will they do when crazy people use another method. People like Timothy McVeigh.

  18. Look up the Bath School massacre, the worst school massacre in US history. This was in 1923 before ANY federal gun control laws. One could order tanks, artillery, machine guns, hand grenades etc right out of the Sears and Robucks catalog amd have it shipped with out even giving their real name. Guess how many guns the sicko used to kill people? Zero, he used home made bombs from farm supplies and blasting supplies for mining and demolition. People need to understand tools can be used for good or bad.

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