Home AR-15 Step-by-Step AR-15 Free Float Quad Rail Handguard Installation

Step-by-Step AR-15 Free Float Quad Rail Handguard Installation


To view our detailed guide on how to install an AR-15 free float quad rail or keymod handguard, please visit our guide page here:

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  1. I appreciate the great instructional video. Just a quick question… What was the point of tightening to 30ft-lbs. three separate times (5:17)? Also, I could be mistaken but I thought the torque limit on the barrel nut shouldn't exceed 35ft-lbs. .

  2. Nice, well done video! Makes it look easy. The written instructions say, however, that a direct-impingement AR can never be fully floated, so is the one in the video DI or gas piston?

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