Home AR-15 Budget Side Charging AR-15

Budget Side Charging AR-15


Bear Creek Arsenal Code 704tactical for 5% Off

BCA Side Charging AR-15 Complete Upper Assembly: 16″ 416R Stainless Steel Heavy Barrel, .223 Wylde, 1:8 Twist w/ 15″ Lightweight Keymod

SKU: UASC223WCHB1618(SS)-(15)LWKM3


Holly Springs Tactical

Music www.bensound.com

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  1. So i bought one of these uppers. and there is a small issue ive noticed. After around 150 to 200 rounds the charging handle becomes loose. This almost was bad for me because when i eventually noticed this As i went to charge the gun to fire, the charging handle came out of the socket. I tightened it back up as hard as i could with an alan wrench that was sufficient in lenght to give me enough leverage. and im still getting the problem. Ive debated securing it with locktite but i figured it would we a pain in the ass upon disassembly due to it then being LOCKED TIGHT. Is something wrong with my BCG or handle or are other people having this problem.

  2. I did a build on one of these for a 6.8 hunting rifle. Scope clearance was the main reason this appealed to me, but the fact that the rear is sealed seemed like a nice benefit when shooting suppressed. Build quality seemed about equal to the Areo uppers I usually use. I squared the front prior to barrel installation, but it wasn't bad to begin with. With a budget or mid range barrel I wouldn't bother with that unless you already have the squaring tool.

    The fact that you have to unscrew the handle every time you want to clean the BCG caused me a lot of heartburn. I don't have much faith in the handle staying screwed in while shooting many rounds. I disassembled my build and switched back to a regular upper. I'd pass on this setup for a primary weapon, or any rifle that you shoot and clean often. For a plinker, I'd buy another handle and screw for backup, and then store them in a buttstock compartment.

  3. So I just received my BCA .350 upper and I popped it on my S&W lower and it just wouldn't lime up with the buffer on the lower… It's side charging like the one in the video. Any thoughts?

  4. I have the eagle lite upper with the right hand side charging handle. They come in left side charging as well. I’m running the 7.62×39. My 5.56×45 is rear charging. I gave it to my daughter because I never shoot it anymore. For starters imo I don’t feel like I’m going to punch myself in the face when charging. I can keep my eye on the target without even having to move or lower my rifle. Second if your running a long scope plus I have a day/night vision set up by bestsite the rear charging handle is almost impossible to get to! The left side of the upper receiver is completely closed! No forward assist at all even tho you can get it with one. My runs absolutely flawless! It’s sitting on an Anderson 5.56 lower and am using the unimag magazine from Ross defense system. Couldn’t be happier with it!

  5. I’m ordering a rear charger BCA. Dust shield keeps out sand and dirt VS being the receiver being open on both sides. I could see the charging handle opening going through brush. The rear charger is a 1/2 lb lighter to boot.

  6. One of the things I can “guesstimate”, is that if you give this to a non-trained shooter they can get the general gist of it. Especially if we’re giving one to our loved ones that we also need to consider that most of us that have handled an ar-15 and knows how to manipulate it are more considered to know how to use it. However, giving this upper to a loved one using the K.I.S.S method is definitely something to lean about.

  7. Thanks for review video. After watching i ordered a 7.5 223 upper side charge… unfortunately the discount code wouldn't work for the 7.5 upper side charge… Not sure why but thats what she told me when I called to order 😒

  8. My 10.5 BCA side charging upper in .556 is just days away. I've decided that #1 I need to spend more money I don't have on gun stuff #2 my wife is pissed (love it) #3 the upper looks so cool I need it but it will probably be a safe queen #4 my wife is pissed (love it). I've heard they get really dirty? Did you talk about the open space on the upper where the charging handle for a regular AR would be? Sorry if you did. I've seen people tape that up due to gas blowback? If that is true. I've heard it is heavy as well? Truly appreciate your review! thank you.

  9. I'd take one with a left side CH . damn man your making me want to give BCA my $ can not wait to build a 308 and 556 and 762×39 from them . gonna put them on AERO M4E1 lowers with cmc triggers BCM stock and grip

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