Everyone asks where I find AR-15 stuff in stock or where I order from, so here you are:
This is the easiest pivot pin to install on an AR-15 lower that I have ever experienced. Personally, I feel that this is ingenious and will make building an AR-15 lower receiver just that much easier. No more razor blades, or pliers, or special tools. Everything you need to install your pivot pin is right in the package. Seriously, I did it with ONE HAND!
Not only is the EZ guide great, but the EPP and ETP allow for easier takedown of one’s AR-15 rifle by allowing the user to get a much more positive grasp of the pins, even with gloves. You no longer need a pin punch if you have to strip down your AR-15. If you find yourself needing anything to assist in pushing the pins out, the EPP and ETP both have dimpled ends that very easily allow a bullet tip to fit and help as a pushing tool.
Overall, I am highly impressed with these pins. I will not have another AR-15 build without them.
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Couldn’t you just use a small amount of grease to hold the detent in place. Who needs a magnet??
You do not need to loosen castle nut and back plate to replace the take down pin! Here is the easy change out when wanting to change the pivot pin as above and then the take down pin. It is EASY!!!!!
how is the wobble, I bet you have more wobble with them easier to push in pins. I had the same pins and replaced them cause the wobble between upper and lower was ridiculous with them pins.
Replaced the pins and made a HUGE difference. Pivot pin comes out with ease now. Thanks for the recommendation!
Great video. Just ordered these today for my 1st AR because the pivot pin doesn't come out without pliers and alot of force. Takedown pin is fine but might as well change both. I know this video is 6 years old, but for anyone like me just seeing this and want to order, the 10% promo code is no longer valid in their site. It was only a matter of $3 anyway.
Zomg … Watch at 1.25x speed at least
Seems to be the wrong spring that spring should be sticking out about 1/8 of an inch it was flush . ??
You down with EPP? Yeah you know me!!
Lies this thing is a pain in the ass to install. I ended up doing it the old fashioned way. The detent does not fit in the hole on the pin so it just kind of flops around on the end of the pin making it damn near impossible to compress the spring into the channel and the magnet keeps wanting to pull it around the back of the pin. Not worth it.
Well after the last 2 springs went too the moon I just bought a few of these
I just installed one with ring on it, and really hard to push it back. Any idea what causes it?
Why is your aftermarket safety selector midway between Safe and Fire, especially with the hammer down when it shouldn't move off Fire?
A solution to a problem that doesn't exist..
Decent stuff, but Battle Arms has to be the most expensive site for accessories I have ever seen… wow!
Clean rifle… ever shoot it?
I used my brass cleaning rod. Put in through the hole, twisted and pushed the pin through the other side. Shazam!
“Didn’t even have to use the thingy.” Cute.
question, did you cut your pivot spring. I noticed yours is flushed with the receiver but mine has around 4 coils sticking out and is impossible to move once its fully opened or fully closed.

Wait so the purpose of this enhanced takedown pin is to have it be more easier to slide out to separate the two receivers?
The most excited and happy laugh I ever heard
I was always told that the flat end of the detent goes against the spring and the pointed end in the takedown pin slot?
why do your hands shake so much for something simple? i never understood how people can shake so much doing simple tasks unless they have a medical thing going
It's amazing how such minor changes can make installation SO much easier!
A 1/4" Clevis Pin works even better.
what about the dust cover and forward assist
ok really good video thank you !!
I have the same trigger, same safety same mount for the optic. My gun is better than yours. Acog over aimpoint pro. Tryo battle sights instead of magpul. Hogue grip over magpul. YOU have a better lower receiver.
dont forget to steak the magnet steeeeaaaaaakkkkkkkkk
I purchased several of these pin sets. On all of them, the first hole for the pin was smaller than the pin. I returned one set to Battle Arms thinking it was a fake. They told me that the set was their production. For the sake of your name and those who rely on your evaluation, it may be to your advantage to revisit this product.
I purchased this pin set based on this video. What I received was not the same quality as the set that you used. The detents would not fit into the holes. The magnet was not strong enough to hold the detent in order to insert into the channel. I will get back to you once I receive comments from Battle Arms. If this is what they produce in 2017, then I would say that this is no longer a good buy.
You sure do have a lot of doo-dads on your rifle! (Just like mine!) Battle Arms Development & Magpul make good stuff!
Good morning seen a few of your vids n was very helpful thank you for sharing very knowledgeable and your insight is on point THANKS !!!!
Got one last week from Brownells, didn't have the magnet; figured Brownells might have removed it due to some postal reg (the clam shell package is really secure so it didn't just fall out or it would have take a few other pieces with it). Email to BAD and couple days later I got the magnet.
Will be ordering from them directly in the future.
What kind of trigger is that? Looks bad ass!
Where does one get the "wrench" you used to loosen and tighten the retaining/castle nut?
Glad I saw your video before I started working on my lower. Thank you
I bought these based on your review – I was initially VERY impressed. They look GOOD and they allow me to takedown with only my fingers (and i don't even have any fingernails). Unfortunately I think I may return them… the big problem is that the takedown pin gets a little loose when I am using my safety. I think it's because of the extended length being brushed by my thumb when I am using the safety very hard/fast. This is kinda unacceptable to me, I would rather need a bullet to take down than accidentally take down one day haha. I may keep the Battle Arms pivot pin at least, because it's very out of the way. Just wanted to let everyone know about my issue before you assumed it was ALL GOOD. It's a great product – but only half of it is truly useful imo – the takedown pin is just to long…
Theres a hole on the side of the tube where the spring goes into that couldve helped probably even easier. Just compress that spring, and stick something in there to hold it in place, and boom you're done.
where did you get the schematics that you are using
Mine are super tight, I dont have a cerakote or anything. Have to use a bullet to push it through. Definitely not what I was expecting……and they forgot the magnet so I had to work for it, haha. Might put some oil in the pin channels and hope it breaks in. Any suggestions?
awesome video brother i just finish building my ar lower and with the magpul asap with your vids keep up the good work brother
What a
pleasant surprise to see the difference the magnet made the job.The old way was really a bear!!
Omg so long-winded.
At first I'm like "OK, that's cute using a neodymium magnet for the detent assist" but thanks for pointing out that the pins themselves are easier to manipulate.
Nothing like getting approval from the wifey
What rail is that