Home AR-15 How To Build an AR from Start to Finish | Gun Talk

How To Build an AR from Start to Finish | Gun Talk


Gun Talk’s Kevin “KJ” Jarnagin takes a training course with Thunder Ranch’s Clint Smith, using an Aero Precision AR that he built from the ground up.

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  1. It's me again, I watched the video again hoping to see if the upper receiver is an enhance receiver, is it? If it is, I also see that you are using front and rear sights, what type or who made them?

  2. In NY state we have 2 options, if you go the fixed magazine route you better not rely on it for anything other than a range toy. Recently was out with a friend who just got his first AR (fixed magazine) and didn't charge it properly so had a double feed. Was such an unsafe nightmare, bolt wouldn't close because of the double feed so couldn't separate the upper from lower, had to take the stock,buffer tube and entire buffer assembly off to get the bolt out of the way and clear the double feed. If you havnt lost your rights to modern sporting rifles please fight for them and do not accept them, the alternative is unsafe and at best extremely annoying. Our only hope in NY is for all this to run through an honest court system and untangle this mess, I'm not holding my breath.

  3. Years ago I bought my first AR and it was a Ruger AR556, and after been very familiar with the platform, I decided to build a pistol with 7.5” Started buying parts from different places and brands and once I had everything needed ordered the lower receiver

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