Former Green Beret Zee Durham continues AR-15 Rifle training with techniques for rapid file and mastering your safety selector while doing up drills.
This is part 3 of our rifle video series from S12 Nashville 2018.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 4:
Follow this link for the full S12 Nashville playlist:
#RifleTraining #ZeeDurham #CarryTrainer
A big thanks goes out to our sponsors who made the event possible:
Boresight Solutions
Colonel Blades
D-Dey Response Group
Dry Fire Mag
Laser Ammo
North American Rescue
Rubber Dummies
Super Vel Ammunition
TA Targets
The Gunbox

These are an amazing treasure. I love how they're longer than a quick 2-3 minute taste, but give actual instruction. Checking out a future S12 is definitely on my wishlist.
Why do you need to take a class and pay high price fees for these kind of drills? Nothing new for 2019. You can practice these drills at a local range for the cost of a range fee of $30 or more.
Not impressed. Need to work on improving diction skills on instructing students,
Really liked this video. Always seeking to expand my knowledge. Always in training never a master!
Haha Zee smoked that dude.
“There’s no kick in a 9mil, I’ll tell you that”
Hahah fuckin love zee
How much does a course like this cost?
Question: in regards to stance/stable base, Would it make sense or be MORE beneficial to place your right foot forward if right handed or vis versa. Getting more of your body behind and in line with the gun to absorb recoil? Obviously it goes against our natural biomechanics so as with anything else, train.. train..train until it becomes a subconscious muscle memory but only if it would be beneficial.
Great point/observation mick. ppl expect the recoil so they allow it to happen.
Elbows down fellas! Wrap that buttstock in the shoulder pocket
Zee , a blowback 9mm AR has more felt recoil than a 556, due to reciprocating mass
@talonsei Do you know that your in this video lol. "Jersey Shore"
Stiff Arm
I hope to catch y’all when you come to Texas. Not sure if you have before but when you do I want to be there.
Jersey Shore. Lol
Great video! For me I seem to get fatigued faster hold it out straight. My front delt fatigues fast but when I use the bent arm method I can hold it longer. With the bent arm I'm using my bicep, chest, delt, and back muscles. With the straight arm I only feel my delt and traps, which tire quickly. I do have to say my gun is really heavy because I live in communist NY. I'm limited to the heavy thordsen stock and other NY compliant features.
im still on the fact you called @TalonSei "jersey shore" and made fun of his muzzle device :D. great video. I very much like how you guys communicate, very personable.
That Indian dude does not know where he is or what he's doing lol
Should have a million subscribers
These videos are great
Zee's a smart man. I'm glad he told the guy to not slap the trigger. I was seeing him do that earlier in the video and said "I hope Micky or Zee corrects that.. it will help him be more accurate" Good job.
Wow this so cool
Good video. Seems like a must attend class.
Stay firsty my friends! Great training tips.