Home AR-15 Rambo Lindsey Graham Threatens AR-15 Shooting

Rambo Lindsey Graham Threatens AR-15 Shooting


Lindsey Graham attempts to act like Rambo in his Fox News interview. John Iadarola and Francesca Fiorentini break it down on The Damage Report.

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“In the event of a natural disaster in South Carolina, don’t necessarily expect to see Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) helping dig survivors out of rubble. The senator indicated Sunday that he’d instead be at home with his AR-15, ready to pick off marauding gangs presumably at least partly made up of his own constituents.

“I own an AR-15,” Graham told Chris Wallace on Fox News. “If there’s a natural disaster in South Carolina where the cops can’t protect my neighborhood, my house will be the last one that the gang will come to, because I can defend myself.””

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  1. The points that John makes constitute some of the most thoughtful and insightful work on TYT in a long time. Francesca is annoying. She's not a journalist and, unlike Anna most of the time, doesn't even act the part. I only come to TYT to get insight, not bile and mockery. I'm quite sure I hate Lindsey Graham as much as Francesca, but I want to know how to counter him, not mock him.. John points a way- by focusing on his misreading of his own constituents.

  2. Please someone do a deep fake of Lindsey Graham on balcony doing the "say hello to my little friend". Apparently Republicans believe that an attack by 50 Colombian trained drug soldiers is a normal thing.

  3. Wow, I think it really shows just how much fear right-wing Americans live in. Here in the UK, where guns are very difficult to get hold of, we just don’t have the same kind of apocalyptic anguish all the time…this guy’s head must be a scary place…

  4. What I don't get is why everyone who has a gun in american (or at least the loud ones who get interviewed) seem to think it makes them invulnerable? He says his house will be the last one the gang come to because he can defend himself. So a gang with multiple guns (probably including AR-15s) will be afraid of him because he also has one? What kind of logic is that?

  5. Why do every day citizens need AK/AR rifles hand gun single shot ones and lease the AK/AR in the hands of police and military personnel because the shooting in Colorado had no red flags no one but family knew so how would gun store owners know if he had mental illness and it would stop people from selling it behind the back door sales to people who have mental illness

  6. Lindseys a lot a things and i can go on about how much of a shady person he is but owning an AR lawfully is legit. His what if scenario was a bit out there tho but his point is having it better than not having it when it does come around. Its the illegally owned guns and mental health thats the real issue with these shooters

  7. So if you or I were to say this, we would be charged with a hate crime and likely terrorism as well.
    But because this freak is a Republican politician, he can order people to kill us with impunity.

  8. Lindsey Graham is not wrong in pointing the fingers away at other issues at hand than the existence of guns in the US. Right wingers like to point at mental illness, typically as a derisive, ableist scapegoat, but we can't deny that mental illness can contribute to violent outbursts. The CO shooter was reported to have paranoid delusions and I wouldn't be surprised that factored into why he used his BidenBucks to buy an AR-15 (that his background check and FFL should have denied) and shoot up a grocery store. TYT takes a staunch gun grabber stance and refuses to acknowledge the root causes of violence: poverty and mental illness (and other antisocial behavior) that would be alleviated by strengthening the economy for working people, affordable housing, and offering social services and universal healthcare that doesn't bankrupt people. Focus on the root cause of violence, not the tools of violence. Gun control in America is racist and classist, and the liberals calls to ban the right to the 2A right to firearm ownership and self-protection only hurts disenfranchised peoples.

  9. America needs protection from these fools. No matter how many times the political toilet is flushed these poops just keep popping back up. I wonder if Mr. Graham would change his mind if someone in his family was riddled with bullets because they were at the local Piggly Wiggly at the wrong moment? Those that defend having an assault rifle are the ones most likely to use them to express their mood at any given time.

  10. So how exactly is Lindsey's AR-15 going to protect him against a gang showing up who are all carrying the same AR-15's since Lindsey himself blocks any kind of control, meaning they all can legally get them too?

    And how does it protect against things like a molotov just burning his house down? And most of all, does he have a sign on his lawn that says "I own an AR-15" because he seems to think gangs would know he owns one and would stay away.

  11. There are natural disasters all around the world. All the time, guess what. People rush to help. But not in America you want to pull out your guns and murder the survivor’s. What does that say about you.

  12. That title is misleading. He threatens no one except prospective gangs which could be scouring the neighborhoods in search of loot worthy goods. I’ve got some info for you Lindsey, I too live in South Carolina, and you don’t know natural disaster until you witnessed the aftermath of Hurricane Hugo, which left the greater Charleston area looking like a war zone, literally. There was looting. Very, very little looting. So little, I can’t find any info in it. Why? Our National Guard was posted in select locations keeping an eye on the goings on of the citizens, and the unofficial word on the street was that they would shoot first if you tried looting from stores and homes. I know it looting did happen the first couple of days after, but after that, I don’t think so. The more damaged an area was, the more soldiers were posted to protect that property, and it wasn’t just rich people getting the guards, that didn’t appear to matter at all. A community came together to rebuild after our Lowcountry was quite literally stripped of a massive amount of vegetation, and entire blocks of home were moved by water, some intact with dishes still set in the table where they were left, some others leveled, while others completely disappeared into the ocean. Giant yachts were left on relatively high ground in the middle of major thoroughfares. The sights were endless and unforgettable. But guess what we never saw. Lindsey Graham with an AR-15 picking off gangs of thugs. Never happened, and that was a one hundred year disaster. We have survived massive city leveling earthquakes, and fires, much like San Francisco, and we persevere. Hey Lindsey, make believe world called and wants you to quit giving it a bad name. Your stories are lame and bogus as hell.

  13. He at least is guilty of letting his duty down. His first duty is to follow the oath that he takes as a senator. Protect the people of the USA. And to do so think. Predicting the outcome of a vote means to stop thinking not to consider a different outcome. Someone whos willing to do that is no longer doing his job. And should be immediatly challenged and at the end removed from the job. Wake up USA. Whats wrong with you guys?

  14. Moron ! Owning an AR has nothing to do with morals. Cause you are NOT the one doing the shooting of innocent people , A hole. Immoral is the one who actually committed the violent act ! Stop trying to control everyone! INDIVIDUAL LIBERTIES is what yu anals dont seem to wanna respect!

  15. So basically, this and the Republican view on guns confirms that conservative America is, in general, absolutely sh*t scared of "The Other". It's a pervasive belief, but it shows at least a subconscious understanding of the damage caused by privilege and inequality in the society.

    Subconsciously, it's a belief that American society is so fractured and turbulent, and so many people in it are disenfranchised and desperate, that when it comes to the crunch, no one can be trusted. At even at the slightest provocation, the population could go savage.

    It's not just incredible privilege and elitism that fosters this kind of view. There is an incredibly strong correlation with the ideology of fundamentalist Christianity, which deeply propagates the idea that people are fundamentally bad and need to be saved from their natural inclinations for weakness and bad deeds. That's pretty toxic and cruel way of viewing other people, but conservatism in the United States is thoroughly toxic and cruel.

  16. It appears that Graham's argument (adopted by many on the right) rests on the belief that Amerikkka is so screwed up and so mentally and politically fragile that it may dissolve into chaos and civil war at the slightest provocation. It will be every (white) man for himself and the more fire power the better. Unfortunately, he is probably correct in that regard given the events of the last four years. He is most certainly correct that rational gun control measures will never be adopted by the Senate. Amerikkkans simply don't have it in them.

  17. There! Lindsey attached Mental Health Records to Background Checks! We are in agreement and need to go forward with that post haste! Half the owners of firearms would lose their rights to own firearms just on Mental Health.

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