We take a quick look at the parts in an AR15 lower parts kit.
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What kind of butt stock is that?
well in the US there is no registration, so not sure what you are asking
Around $200 with all the parts,or $100 with just the lower internals
Sometimes you do, sometimes you don't
@jmikeslater you need to be careful not to use full auto parts. it maybe banned depending on where you're at. some states don't allow the regular GI mag release. you need to check state laws for that.
Been shotgun all my life with a mini14 I love. Now determined to build my first ar15 chambered for 5.56. Just picked up a DPMS lower and alow lower kit for now. I been reading on installing but have to say this video is probably the best and most informative I have reviewed, and I have reviewed alot being I want to do this right.
Question, the lower parts kit I got is called ALOW with no other name, is that a Bushmaster?
umm… knowing what a "Rustytrombone" is.. we'll pass
I bought DPMS LPK,but they looks awful.but they were only $55….does STAG,RRA any better?
Then it's the way you asked
The Receiver is the firearm, so it is the only part that requires paperwork (a store) the rest you can buy from whatever source, they are all just parts
you need a FFL to sell firearms as a business..
Cant go wrong with LWRC lower parts kit as it's very good quality and they include buffer tube, buffer, buffer spring, they also include a Magpul Enhanced Trigger Guard but best part they leave out the STD AR grip which is great because I never use them in the first place opting for a Tango Down.
Correct it is regulated
an FFL is a federal license to manufacture, import or sell firearms and / or ammo
You really don't need an FFL unless you intend to do one of these activities
Buying a single receiver and parts wouldn't be considered manufacturing to the extent it would require licensing
do you have ot have a FFL to buy this?
exellent video. really helpful in identifying the parts.
Around here any parts kit will do, they are hard to find
for the lower just basic tools and a few punches are all you'll need
Are there any LPK that you would recommend? Also, what tools will I need for my first build?
You don't HAVE to have any special tools other than standard punches and a medium/small hammer for the lower. That's all I used plus electrical tape.
Wow, thanks.. I almost missed that comment.. we hope to live up to your praise !!
You guys are quickly starting to become the number one resource for AR15's on youtube! Its getting to the point where I won't buy a part for my AR15 unless I see it reviewed on GunWebsites.