Home CMMG Converting CMMG 10 Round Magazines to 25 Round Magazines Ep.2020-03

Converting CMMG 10 Round Magazines to 25 Round Magazines Ep.2020-03


This video is about Converting CMMG 10 Round Magazines to 25 Round Magazines

0:00 Introduction
0:51 Converting from 10 to 25 rds
10:56 Summary

See this video of shooting the CMMG conversion kit at the range and cleaning it afterwards:

See this video on EZ CMMG Magazine Loaders Review

Overview of the 3D printed EZ Loader and how to buy.

If for some reason you have a 25 rd magazine and want to convert it to a 10 rd magazine to comply with a State law, you won’t be able to do that unless you precisely drill a hole to limit the follower travel and insert a pin that will fit tight and stay in place. The 25 rd magazine does not come with that hole and pin.

= = = = = = How to Buy the Patriot EZ Loader (3D printed)
3D printed Patriot EZ Loaders now available for $20 each including shipping and applicable Sales Taxes for PA residents at:

– – – – – The following States and localities 25 rd magazine are not legal:
Connecticut, Colorado, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Washington DC, Aurora IL, Franklin Park IL, Oak park IL.

Let us know if you want more information on 3D printers and Mike will make some instructional videos on that topic.

Having an AR15 that can shoot more than one type of round can be an advantage as it gives greater capacity and options. Us the AR15 with 5.56/.223 ammunition for larger game and self-defense, pop in the 22LR conversion for small game. Two rifles in one and less gear to carry!

Some links may expire as content is removed from the web by others. I do try to keep mine up to date and I appreciate being notified of any disconnects that you may find


TRONXY New Upgraded 3D Printer

EZ Loader 3D Printer Pattern:

————————- 3D Printing Filament/supplies:
White PLA 3D Printing Filament 1.75 mm, 2.2 LBS (1KG) Dimensional Accuracy +/- 0.0…

ABS 3D Printer Filament, Dimensional Accuracy +/- 0.03 mm, 1 kg Spool, 1.75 mm, Black

Gizmo Dorks PLA Filament for 3D Printers 1.75mm 200g, 4 Color Pack – Blue, Green

CMMG EZ Loader $9.95

Blackdog Machine LLC, CMMG EZ Magazine Loader at Brownells.com $12.99


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Email: GarysOutdoors1@gmail.com


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Camera: Canon T7i
Lens: Canon EFS 10-18mm
Microphone: Azden WM-PRO wireless lavalier
Voice Over Microphone: Blue Yeti USB mic
Lighting: Newer LED Video Lights w/Stand Kit
Camera Tripod: Ravelli 70-Inch Pistol Grip w/Bag
Video Editing Software: Adobe Premiere Pro

Visit my Woodworking and Crafts Channel: www.GLCrafts.com

ERRORS & OMISSIONS: If you find any errors or missing information in the information and plans I offer here, please let me know so I may make corrections.

Contact me at: GarysOutdoors1@gmail.com



My Firearms interests are self-defense for my family, myself and those whom I care about. I am also a recreational shooting enthusiast. I shoot targets for fun and competition. I do not hunt or shoot any live creatures. I’m not against hunters, it’s just not my sport.

All or Portions Copyrighted © 2017 – 2020 by Gary W Lundgren. All rights reserved.

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  1. i tried to reverse the 25rder I got to add a pin to use with family in a non 25rd friendly state. got the pins donated to me, and after opening, found that the ones manufactured for 25 don't have that hole to push the pin in.

  2. Is there a color code on the plastic follower (orange or green or yellow) in terms of year of mag production or in terms of numbers of rounds?

  3. very useful! just got my first AR and got the CMMG conversion and its awesome being able to get a feel for the gun without spending a ton on ammo. and after 150 rounds the other day, the first round chambered was a FTF but every round after that shot smooth as if the gun were made for .22lr. Definitely worth the cost! thanks again

  4. Suggestion: After you remove the roll pin from the hole, place it in the groove on the inside of one side of the case. It fits in snugly and completely out of the way. Once you reassemble the halves, the pin will not rattle around or fall out. That way, the pin will be there if you ever need to convert the magazine back to 10-round capacity. Be safe.

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