In this video, Jason Pike, former US NAVY SEAL, and Chief Instructor at Frogman Tactical, discusses one of his AR Pistol setups. (Note: In the video I state SB4 Tactical Brace. It is in fact an SBA4 Tactical Brace)
Have a great day and God bless,
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* Affiliate Products:
Platform Accessories:
Streamlight TLR1:
MagPul Sights:
Vortex Sparc AR:
Lower and Upper: Custom from 80% Billet Aluminum
Brace: SBA4 Tactical
Folding Stock Adapter: Law Tactical
Muzzle Brake: VG6 Gamma

Hey Jason, what about the noise factor, tho? What do you do to mitigate the noise indoors? This thing is so freaking loud, wouldn't it incapacitate your ability to perform? Any advise is greatly appreciated!
@Frogman Tactical That's a 10.5" barrel. What's the length on your handguard? I'm looking at building my first AR. I'm going with a 10.3 barrel and am trying to decide between a 9.5 or 10 inch handguard. I'm looking for the least amount of muzzle protrusion as possible.
Sorry, too long and drawn explanations. Should have had a list of products etc and named them all off as he reviewed them. And why each part was selected.
A lot of different things you didn’t cover about weapon.
Mr. Pike
Thanks for your service and your video. I want to build a AR pistol to have when I travel. Do you like 5.56 or 300 black out. I'm a 57 yr old average shooter. Been shooting for 20 years. Hunting 40 years. No military experience.
Thanks for your advice
The older ex Seals all look like they wake up and grab a cigar
God bless. Ty for your service and the video. I like ar pistols.
I love the all go and no show approach, great video sir
Why the hell do you high speed fuckers insist on calling your rifle a platform? I thought rifle/weapon was supposed be drilled into your heads in basic.
What are your thought on 5.56 vs 300 blackout for an AR pistol build?
Hi there sir !! New to pistols I was thinking of one for CQC home defense / truck gun etc. now what are your thoughts on sound since these are so loud If it had to be used in home or vehicle. Seems the sound would deafen you maybe permanently
is the chambered in 5.56 or 300
Thank you for your service sir! Quick question-I just recenty ordered a MK18 and it has the Law & Tac folding adapter as well. Ive read mixed reviews on that, so I'm curious….. Do you reccomend it on a gun like that and does it affect performance at all?
That comp looks to be a VG6 Gamma. They are great if you never plan on using a suppressor. The 300BLK version is the best comp available.
I like your review. I see you mounted your backup sights in line with your primary optic. What happens if the glass in the red dot gets cracked and you can no longer co-witness? Does it make sense to mount your back up sights offset from your primary optic?
Thanks for your service and thanks for putting this vid out man, ready to rock! Nice being able to carry as a ccw, little perks are great. Keep your head down and your barrel up, God Speed.
I hate short barrel ar15s, I would not never buy one. They are two loud, the velocity sucks and the performance sucks and you have to shoot the wonder 77grain in order to get great ballistic. Just like the 300blackout it will kill of course, but it's useless to me. You got this big old slow bullet that don't have a lick of range or velocity to it when I compare it to the rifle world. You would be better off just using an ak. Then people say o 300 black shot sub sonic ok, but are you go be running sub sonic everyday
Great video good information thank you for your service God Bless
VG6 Gama
I love it…No BS, No Frills, and Straight to the point…watched some of your other videos too…you do a great job and super informational. 8 years US Army Phycological Ops guy here….just wish all of mine did not go overboard in a freak boating accident.
Don't say California, almost everything is illegal there.
Can I just by yours?? Lol
Great video, very insightful. I feel a lot of people just buy the AR platform to accessorize and never put in the time at the range to develop any skills to use it. Just use it for “likes” and photos.
Jason, is that rail a 10” and who made it? Also what barrel you running on this? Appreciate it very much.
What is the best AR 15 for home security
Could you share why you have your sling mounted as you do? Thanks great video.
As a leftie this was invaluable info! Straight to the point and no fluff, great video.
time wasted
engaging what though? home innovators i get it. ….what else is there?…really? unless there is another civil war you should not be saying shit like " gunfight" and I'm been honest here…
time to let go man…
Straight forward explanations, clear and simple. Rugged quality components. Thank you for your insights.
thank you
Very useful as I'm getting my new pistol build ready to. Glad I went with the 10.5 inch too. Thanks for the accessory tips and sharing of your field experience
Awesome video, made me feel better about my choice of barrel length. Thank you for your service sir. God bless
Was thinking about a 10.5" barrel and you confirmed it. God bless you also sir. Tks
Thanks for the video. I have an 11.5 build and I'm going to put a folder on it as you did – my backpack will be just big enough to handle it. Next, I'm considering another AR build to reach out a bit further. In your opinion, is it worth using a 14.5/15 barrel? Will I gain substantial range, or would I be better off moving up a caliber, for a DMR?
Thanks for the demo. I am now sold on the bad lever. I am also a left hand shooter. Any recommendations for 45 offset iron sights? I seem to find nothing for us southpaws!!!
This guy looks like he's seen some shit
awesome video… Im looking into my first AR pretty quick here and Im youtubing all kinds of shit. This was great!
Great stuff! Subbed
Some is using your pic trying to scam women