Frank Proctor of Way Of the Gun talks about Shooting Steel
Frank Proctor shoots steel targets with his standard AR15, he shares what works and what doesn’t. Frank dispels some myths.

Frank Proctor of Way Of the Gun talks about Shooting Steel
Frank Proctor shoots steel targets with his standard AR15, he shares what works and what doesn’t. Frank dispels some myths.
I would never shoot steel from less than 50 yards with 5.56 or 223. Paper targets ain't that fun but why take chances. Get a shooting rubber dummy for better experience. Shoot them with 5.56 from any range.
shooting steel at 10 yards with a 5.56, hmmm wear eye pro and keep a trauma kit close by brother.
2:43 even frank knows what the best multitool is period. Nothing beats a leatherman. mine still has not broke after 5 years of everyday hard use.
from my experience it is more of a liability issue with alot of ranges. putting divets on plates can and will cause more sporadic ricochets, vs a clean piece of steel. but if it's your own steel who is one to tell you what to do, just make sure your wearing eye pro.
So, great info. But ya kinda left off showing… oh maybe THE PLATES (maybe virgin) showing affects of speed & distance…that he speaks about with such amazing detail…..?!? Maybe a 2nd camera by the plates, perhaps? those divots…
I've followed your mantra on my steel, and it is spot on.
Great video Frank!
Great video, very informative. We'll have to get this to the 3-Gun and 2-Gun match directors, who are always preaching about "no green tip on steel."