Home AR-15 Long Range Precision AR15 s Out Of The Box

Long Range Precision AR15 s Out Of The Box


This video takes a look at modern AR-15 Precision Rifles and what is needed to get a 1000 yards accuracy out of it.

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  1. Yes agree with every word he said I000 yd with a Bull Ball 1 in 8 twist Match Trigger .223 Rem Shooting 77 Grain Bullets from the AR15 makes it more then possible i know having shot mine now for the last 5 years

  2. good advice but why not step it up to 6.5 Grendel?AR 15s come in many calibers. And with the 6.5 Grendel you can get good Vel. and Energy out of it further out! but at the time of this video the prices of ammo was reasonable.Now the 223/556 is outrageous and the companies have used our countries problems too price gouge us.Guns are at a fare price even precision guns but ammo has skyrocketed! Reman and smaller companies for ammo is the way to go "if&when" they have it in stock '>/

  3. Where can I get the LR AR Shown as is in this video???? Looking for a traditional hunting style stock/handle AR lower and having a real hard time finding one still aroundโ€ฆ I tried to order an ARES SCR Gen2 but it seems like they have dropped off the market, can't find one for sale anywhere.. Also I really like that barrel guard what is that?
    Love you guys thank you for your ministry also!

  4. Few things, we've been running precision AR's personally in the military for like 15 years. Modern rounds are optimized for a 16-20" range. Some people have even seen a decrease in velocity going to a 24" the difference between a 18" barrel and a 20" with modern ammunition is often less than 20fps. Gas blocks are easily found in smaller packages then what you got there. That setup there is easily a 800yd gun with the right shooter. I mean every Marine pushes a rifle to 500 and we used to do it with irons only. The 556 is certainly a capable rifle and Hopefully more people understand that while it may not be a optimal hunting round, It definitely fills a role as it will put a hole in a person and paper easily to 800yd (with a practiced shooter of course)

  5. Great video. I've had my varminter for about 10 yrs now and I put a burris 8-32ร—44 scope on it and I love it. I use it for long range (800+ yds) target shooting and prairie dogs amongst other things. I do reload and use heavier 60+ grain bullets. I've shot prairie dogs, etc, out to 600 + yds with humane kills. Love my varminter!!

  6. 223 can be fired at extreme long ranges with a good set up and good ammunition. There is a guy here on YT who made 1200 and 1500 yard shots with an 18" barrel and suppressor.

  7. Sorry but that long of an AR is not necessary with the 5.56. 20 inches or less. You make consiatant effective hits with a 14.5 and good ammo at 750 yards. Beyond that, use a different caliber.

  8. How much does that AR weigh, out of the box? I ask because I built one with a 24" bull barrel, and that ole boy weighs close to 14 lbs. empty. I built it to be a varmint rifle, but I went the wrong way on the weight (way wrong). I have carbines that weigh less than that upper alone. Looking forward to your response, and I dig that hat. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Yes 223 is cheaper but I reload for my 338 Lapua at 2 dollars a shot. Thats how Iโ€™m able to practice the way i do. It literally pays to reload just fyi

  10. No disrespect to you AT ALL but I bought you're same gun and had nothing but problems with it (you name it; poor accuracy with quality ammo, JAMMING MANY TIMES, poor finish). Sold it and built a custom remington 700 223 and have killed many coyotes!!!!

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