Holly and I take turns shooting and filming on these hunts. We take 35 coyotes in the daytime hunting in the west!
Gear Used: @ATN Corp. X-Sight 4k 5x Optic, @ICO tec Outlaw Nightstalker Caller, @Digital Trigger 1lb Trigger, @Hornady Manufacturing 204 Ruger AR-15 Shooting 32 GR Superformance Ammunition, @Magpul PRS Stock, @Kryptek Camo &@Realtree Camo!
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You are a bad ass. Impressive shooting
Sick bastards no wonder wildlife is dropping quickly and then you'll just use them as a bloody trophy or to eat but yet theres cows and pigs which were meant to be eaten, ffs
Shameless, wasteful overkill and senseless destruction. Perhaps, one day, Josh and/or Holly will turn their guns on one another and destroy each other thus sparing our wildlife upon whom humans encroach. Or, perhaps the real balance of nature will be a day when one of their beautiful children becomes a statistic of an "accidental" shooting and their family is torn apart by grief. I'm not against guns. I'm against shameless, wasteful, unnecessary killing and destruction.
Quisiera un dia poner a todos los cazadores en un lugar y cazarlos yo uno a uno asi como casan ellos a los indefensos animales
Where is this? It’s beautiful
Why is it fun to watch animals wither in agony?
what a ignorant people….
I want his gun set up
never knew an ar 15 had a bolt action hahaha
3:28 awesome shot josh
Vien pegados
참 더럽게 못 맞추네… 내가 쏴도 저것보단 잘 맞추겠다. 이왕이면 고통없이 해줄것이지…. 참,나.
Ar is not playing
What a great wife.
seeing the bullet make it's way to the target is so satisfying
Hi Josh, I have a few questions, How come you can hunt 35 coyotes in one day? I never thought there were so many in one area, I thought they need a lot of territory each coyote just like another predators. Why does it looks that the coyotes are coming (most of the time) towards you? Do you have a sort of bait? Are they a problem in that enviroment? Thanks for your answers in advanced. I would like to know. Have a good day. I hope there are not many mistakes in my spelling.
Lol hows that an ar 15 you can clearly hear the bolt action reloading after the shot
8:00 you can see the heat coming off when he shoots it
3:30 into it and those double taps have 3 foot drops.
You have a scope and still shoot 6 times and miss 5. I think the shooting range needs to see you. I also think you should stick to fishing from the bank. You made those animals suffer man.
Best 8 minutes of my day so far, watching that video, thanks for sharing !
I love it when they go all stuffed animal on it. About 2:00 mark it looks like he shot it with a paintball.
4:09 Thats what she said
Great video and great job on your boom stick. I'm curious though if you guys ever called in any bobcat or any other type predators besides coyotes?
Maybe because some people like to eat deer meat all year round.. and don't like to share with others.. so they have to get rid of all the coyotes.
They kill the coyotes to keep the deer pupulation high….come on guys at least be descret … don't take all the family…
Coyote's are part of the Ecosystem,..and that's not nice….
Or just for fun ,,,,fun………that looks pretty cruel…
Why kill all those Coyote's are over puulated !!!
Scum bags
Great shooting! Can you give me a rough idea of what a set up like yours would cost me…the jackals over here are getting real cheeky.
Enjoyed that good shooting but cringed at the end when the skylined coyote was shot. Don't mean to lecture but that's a bad thing to film. I did that once while hunting antelope. Hung my head in shame when the hunter on the other side of the knoll cussed me out for fifteen minutes. I knew better. I'm lucky he wasn't hurt or worse. Rule of hunting is know your target and what is beyond it.
i bet he has an eyepatch
Wow!!! Hope your really proud of yourself.
Deja algunos para tu hija
this is just terrible..whats wrong with people getting their jollies out of slaughtering animals? do you guys give your children lesson's at home how to strangle bunnies too? you guys so tuff ,,,why not fight the coyotes with your bare hands..cowards is all you are..suppose you would shoot anything that moved just to feed your lust of killing shit,,this isn't sport is something so much darker
Hey man…Why you are killed him
What makes them come running ?
I subscribed but didn't like the video it was a good day but you gotta work on your shots bud the point is too kill with as little pain as possible I commend you on the double taps but I think someone of your statue could do better in killing the animal good quality good
horrible, animals deserve respect. who took their habitat, we are. god come back soon and punish these demonic humans
Is that Wolf?
No fk life hhhh
Why do people enjoy watching this
i'm not from there, what's the reason to shoot coyotes? are they pests or it is just for fun?