Home CMMG 10MM at 250 YARDS?? The CMMG Banshee Review

10MM at 250 YARDS?? The CMMG Banshee Review


The CMMG Banshee Review – 10MM at 250 Yards + Underwood Ammo



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Johnny Baggins
PO Box 8021
Johnson City, TN 37615

© Johnny B Media, 2020

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  1. Johnny, I'm glad it worked out for you. I received my 10mm Banshee on Dec. 9th. The quality control is so bad that I'm willing to pay the 15% restocking fee. Don't even want it in my safe.

  2. Just stay away from Double Tap hard cast. Bought 3 boxes to dial in for hog. Shot ten rounds and every one split the case with the front half getting jammed in the chamber.
    They told me on fb to contact xyz in service for help, they won't respond to emails and that was 4 months ago.

  3. I've actually very interested in 10mm performance videos out of pcc formats. Thanks for your contribution. I have Tnw asr in 10mm 16" barrel and currently limited to a 50 yard indoor range. Any variations you can think of to test 10mm or 45 ACP in a pcc format I will be watching. Any suggestions other than the underwood ammo for comparable results? I would be thrilled to have a reasonably flat trajectory @ 175 – 200 yards. Thanks in advance.

  4. Yo, Johnny Be-have, I ain't no expert but am Tennessee born and raised and have bout 40yrs working here and many countries with bout every variation of the AR. Barrel length, calibers, D.I., gas piston and full/semi-auto. For the money I've had great luck with CMC triggers. Drop in like they should and I have come to prefer the flat triggers. Usually break at around 3.5 as advertised. PSA did have em at bout $119 down from around $170 at most places. Of course the "Corona2020 anything gun related price increase" is hittin them also. Depressin. Been tellin folks, as I guess you have, since 2016 to buy guns and ammo while prices were down but did many listen? Well, they're listening and cryin now. I waited too long to get an AR in 5.7×28 but I'll get by. Oh yeah, on binary I switched from Franklin Arm me not to Fostech. Everyone I talked to at Franklin about a problem was a Richardhead for some reason. Plus Fostech, in my humble opinion makes a better trigger. Echo Sport is almost affordable and runs great. Good vid. L8r.

  5. There is a ten millimeter bullet that weighs one hundred thirty five grains and hits about two thousand FPS. There’s a chart floating around on the internet that has most of not all ten millimeter rounds and the ballistic stats for them. Underwood definitely makes some hot rounds.

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