So I figured, by my own free will of course, it was time for me to try to build my first AR-15. To add to the challenge, I decided I wanted to try it while having zero tutorials or help during the build. White Label Armory sent me some high quality parts to throw together, so I give it a shot!
Here is the link to USCCA:
(Note to YouTube: We do not show any build instructions of any kind, and skip any footage of the act of building/putting parts together)
About Me
My name is Brandon Herrera. I’m the owner and operator of The AK Guy Inc, a 07 Firearm Manufacturer based out of Fayetteville, NC. I also co-own Stark Media Group, and designed the rifle known as the AK-50.
I’ve started to dedicate this YouTube channel above all to have fun, but also as a way to document my entrepreneurial journey for the next few years as I try to grow my companies. Hopefully, people can learn from my example, successes, and failures.
Either way, I’m having a lot of fun with it so far, and I hope it’s just as fun to follow along!
You Can Also Follow Me Here:
Second Channel:
Instagram: @RealBrandonHerrera.
Facebook: Facebook.com/RealBrandonHerrera/

Thanks for watching guys! As I continue to step outside my comfort zone, what kind of stuff do you guys want to see on the channel? Leave suggestions here!
Here is the link to USCCA: http://usccapartners.com/TheAKGuy
I'm one of those AR guys, but I love your channel and you just made my day on a rough one, hahahahahaahaha. Good stuff.
Hope receiving parts in the mail won’t be a thing of the past
10:19 "hey i know you usually use ak, i just wanna be sure you know how to handle it
Why??? Little did he know everybody wanted to see it
Man the only reason I’m not building an ak is because I can’t really afford the tools. Maybe some day
How long did this actually take
I love ARS I feel as though they are grown mans legos where as the AKS are the original legos and the ARS FATHER!! We’re on the same team

F him but I respect it
AR building is like building lego building
he had a .223 pistol from Fallout???
Stevie Wonder is not blind. Just ask Shaq!

“These look roughly the same, fuck it” famous last words
You don’t need tools to “build” an AR-15 because AR guys are the kind of people to pee sitting down.
Assemble *
You ak guys have been missing out
And you haven't even touched proper spec rating for each part, bedding the barrel etc. Its not easy when you want to do it right and get the most out of the platform, anybody can slap one together but you get the real benefit when you build one.
Why is it so satisfying to hear the bolt going forward…
Brandon with coof after symptoms, builds AR </3
this was interesting af