Home AR-15 SIG Tread M400 Pistol – Almost the Perfect Budget AR

SIG Tread M400 Pistol – Almost the Perfect Budget AR


In this episode of TFBTV, Hop shoots the new pistol variant of the SIG M400 Tread, to see how SIG-Sauer does a value AR. How does it stack up to the Ruger AR-556 as an AR, and as an AR pistol? Let’s find out!

Tread specs from SIG:
Overall Length: 27″
Barrel Length: 11.5″
Twist Rate: 1:7
Weight: 6 lbs

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SIG-Sauer M400 Tread Pistol
Ruger AR-556 Pistol
Anderson AM-15 Custom 10.5″ Pistol
Glock 19 Generation 3

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  1. Yeah I've got pretty messed up eyes too. I've found that cowitnessing my red dot through a peep sight reduces the starburst and returns the dot to round rather than whatever strange shape my eye turns it into.

  2. Great review as always!

    Unfortunately it's just another AR at another price point with them trying to sell it using tag words like "ambidextrous".

    At the end of the day, it's an AR. Easy to shoot, barely any recoil and light.

  3. as a champagne shooter by taste, but beer shooter by actual paycheck, always fast to click on a Hop vid. Best add to the channel since Alex C left.

    Aside from him, James is OK though his love for boring tupperware guns is MEH, Andrew is a lot of fun (when we actually see him), but the rest? Hard pass for me.

  4. I don't know what your budget is……but must be much more than mine. I consider a budget AR-15 pistol to be more like the ATI Omni Hybrid that you can purchase for $374.00…..The Sig M400 Tread averages $799.99……..budget AR-15 pistol my ass. Like I said in my last comment to an older video, You are a "Pompous Ass"……..still

  5. You try to shit on PSA .. but they build that same rifle with a kit that's under $300..
    Literally all the same features.. A Sig MCX or even MPX are one thing— but if you're getting a basic rifle.. Just buy a kit and build it yourself.. because there is no gain in brand names at the mil spec level.

  6. Wow Sig really drop the ball on this one in my opinion that's why I always go with ruger it may be a basic bitch but that's all I need don't need this gadget or that gadget or making it looks more cosmetic then using it as a gun to fight with but rugers guns always work well if u know how to lube ur gun up so I think I'll go buy a ruger ar pistol over anything else or go buy a Palmetto state lower n but the ruger Ar pistol upper

  7. You need to always remember they cant design the brace for your shoulder and that could end up getting them in a lot of trouble if it's ever found that they did designed it to be a shoulder pocket stock and with these little bitch whistle blowers who are planted a whole shit ton of the time. I wouldn't doubt the left is deliberately planting SJWs at gun manufacturers in hopes of getting their greedy little hands with an email cable that exposes some of the "pistol" talk 2A baby through and through.

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