LaRue Tactical Ultimate Upper Kit Review – Gucci AR15 for Under $800?
Jim reviews two variants of LaRue Tactical’s Ultimate Upper Kit – one in .300 blk, the other in 5.56. Both have their pros and cons, and both are a cut above the competition – but, are they good enough to warrant the extra cost? We take a closer look, and find out.
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I can buy 2 PALMETTO STATE ARMORY PA15 for the price of just one Larue upper kits.
And yes, PSA is the same quality as LT.
Nice Gatorz and review!
I am currently on LaRue's massive back order wait list for this kit in 5.56 (4-6 months). I have a number of concerns (which I now have months to mull over and second-guess), the rifle's weight being the biggest of them. Apparently it comes in at just under 8 lbs dry. Did you notice this in running the rifle? Was it cumbersome and did it impede your ability to move and shoot? Thanks.
Not sure why there was no pictures of the targets from accuracy testing.
And getting an average of 1.3” across 30rds from 62gr greentip, which is a 2-3moa ammo leaves some real questions on the validity of your results. Crap ammo is crap ammo, regardless of the barrel.
what is that massive bipod u are using. i want one.
I have a Larue Predatobr. I'm not happy with the fact that they will not sell you spare components. They claim they are building them so fast they don't have spares. BS. I ordered an additional barrel which is one of the few spare parts they will sell and it came within a week. They will not sell up an additional BCG. California is moving to all parts will be required to go through an FFL. Even after stating this you would think a gun friendly manufacturer would make an exception. Not Larue.
LaRue is the best AR
2:53 wtf kind of grip is that
Just order one of this kits in 556 can't wait
Excellent review, thank you.
Gona get me one
Soon as I hit the lottery
Take a shot every time you say shooters.
lol keymod
They make a 6.5 Grendel version as well.. wish I had gone that route before going with another brand!
That brass like color barrel nut, may be inconel
Great timing on this, about to build a Gucci-ish no BS fighting carbine and was wondering about these.
Great review and full of details that someone who is in the market for this kit will find a great deal of value
But it’s just a bumpstock…
What butstock pistol grip and flash hider is on that rifle ?
IMHO get a budget parts kit (everything you need minus the lower) then spend the money you saved on an upgraded trigger, good optic and ammo. PSA has good ones.
In today's saturated AR-15 market, high dollar ARs are no longer worth the price, just like Glock and polymer pistols. You can literally build a Midwest Industries rifle for under 1000 bucks.
I challenge you to make a review for a product that you do not like
audio for this video is rather low
so what makes this better than say a PSA , Ruger or S&W
Thanks was looking for something like this
So how much is a"Fraction Of the Cost" as you put it.I don't believe I heard that.