Home AR-15 Musket vs. AR-15: How Do They Compare? | Tech Guts | WIRED

Musket vs. AR-15: How Do They Compare? | Tech Guts | WIRED


The Brown Bess musket was a staple during the Revolutionary War, and the AR-15 is currently one of the most popular semi-automatic rifles in the world. What’s changed since then?

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Musket vs. AR-15: How Do They Compare? | Tech Guts | WIRED

Kornhaber Brown

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  1. Pry my AR-15 out of my cold dead hands the 2nd was for the type of gun of the area. It automatically carries over to this era. Just like the 1st amendment doesn't change because we have electronic communication which would have been the post and newspaper of the 18th century.

  2. Range of the Musket and accuracy was not 50 to 100yrds as this video says, It range is out to 300-400 yards for a man-sized target and could be used as volley fire out to 1000 yards. A good rifleman could get 3 to 4 rounds off per minute. And that 69, caliber ball will go right threw a kevlar vest. And there were semi-automatic rifles in the 1600s 1700s 1800s most Militaries did not use them due to the extreme cost and low power of the projectile.

  3. You seem to forget the brown Bess was a "weapon of war", the ar15 just looks like one. No military uses them. The 2nd amendment protects the private ownership of weapons suitable for militia use. That would include the ar15 and things that are currently illegal.

  4. I don't know wired, you're making a really good argument on YouTube that I'm watching on my phone in my house hundreds if not thousands of miles away why a few silly words written hundreds of years ago don't apply to modern technology.

  5. For your next video, I'd like to see you guys compare the quill to modern electronic mass media. You know, so we can see another example of how technology evolves but our freedoms protected by the Bill of Rights remain rooted solidly in the past.

    I suppose that I should also advise you that I'm using sarcasm to disagree with you idiots since you clearly weren't paying attention to much in school, especially topics like History, Civics, or Government.

  6. Warships capable of sieging cities were protected by the second amendment at the time it was written. The AR-15 is not more powerful than those. This is a silly argument that seems to state that our rights should be restricted when inconvenient.

  7. This is an excellent argument!

    As long as we're ignoring Pepper Box Revolvers, Giradoni Air Rifles, Belton Flintlocks, and the fact that James Madison allowed a private merchant to use cannons to destroy hostile vessels.

  8. It was an amusing video until the final question. Leaped right out of logic. That would mean slavery would still be valid, homosexuals would not have any "special" rights. In fact you couldn't apply the Constitution to a host of things that make life better.

  9. some bibbas in the comments are whining about how this video is just sjw leftist BS.

    its literally just a a short video comparing the ar-15 and the brown bess.
    like i know that the ending is pretty lefty sounding, but its nebulous at best

  10. This was made by a butthurt liberal terrorist yes the things about the ability of the guns is true but I'd still be more scared of the musket any dumbass can use an ar15 you need skill to use a musket

  11. The second amendment was written 4 muskets, cannons, private warships, etc. A much more historically accurate question is was it written to protect tanks, rockets, vehicle mounted machine guns, etc.

  12. Founding fathers knew for a fact that this government would become too powerful, thus the 2nd amendment. AND they knew this bcuz of WHAT HAPPENNED BEFORE THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR i.e Britain and colonists figting

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