Bushmaster Carbon 15 AR Pistol Type 21S. A fun little pistol and a must if you’re looking for an addition to your AR rifles. Runs about $800 new and $600 used
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have the same pistol. having hard time removing my buffer tube. it wont unscrew . how can i remove it?
Do they hold 100 round mags
Rear plastic gas tube, hold in front of face, pray it doesn't snap off and send buffer tube into your front teeth. Install a KAK and a Sig Brace, save money in facial reconstruction.
Sig arm brace. Enuff said
Hehe, ya I want a pair of these…
Best SHTF guns IMO is a stocked AR15 with a 10,5" barrel. Any shorter the round will not have as much velociity as it should to work properly. Any longer a barrel is fine but the 10.5" is so great in an urban setting.
There is NO carbon fiber as far as I know. It is a carbon polymer. There are MANY parts besides the bolt and barrel NOT made from Carbon polymer on this gun.
how much would that run at a gunshow
other than a 200 dollar tax stamp what would stop some one from sliding a piece of PVC over the recoil buffer to make a shoulder stock
Smart it not a rifle.
Gotchya. Thank you sir.
Hi sir. Disappointing to hear of it but please inform me as to why you think and what makes this such a crappy SHTF handgun. Anyone else, please feel free to provide your thoughts. I'm new to this kind of firearm.
Great review love the Bushmaster AR pistol sweet firearm think this will be my next purchase
yea MD gun laws are a little funny you can,t own certain pistols 30 round mags you have to buy out of state but machine guns are legal you can get open and concealed carry permits but you need to ether be fearing for you life ore handle large amounts of cash to be issued one
just wondering if you can own one in MD
Something tells me here in MD I won't be able to "get away with it". I'm sure they have some law against it probably falling in that length category. I do however have a PA permit as well and will look further into it. Thanks for the response and the informative videos.
So I can carry this with my concealed carry permit as it is a pistol? Serious question. Thanks.
Great Vid man. Informative and to the point.
Is it possible to fix a stock on it?, i understand it makes it a SBR at that point im just curious. If I bought a pistol like this, and also purchased a stock but didnt put it on, just kept it around in case, could I put one on?
Can u put a 100 round drum in it???
loool i knew that u have to pay only a 5 $ stamp to the ATF, but it seems i was wrong
Great video man! and one little question… Can you put a folding stock on it?
how is that a pistol? sorry im new to guns just curious so can i get an answer without someone being a douche
your life is "gay"
can you do a dual wield video
nice fun gun thx for posting
Nice little pistol! Too bad they don't make a 6.8mm version. I don't want to have to start handloading yet another cartridge.
Ar15 pistal $800 new vs Mini Draco Ak47 pistal $450 new
i only ask cuz i would just love to see a m4 collapsible on that. im a shorter guy so that would be a perfect cq weapon for me
could i put an m4 collapsible stock on it?
Nice, you seem to have inventory for a pretty good gun store, lol