Home AR-15 Shooting an AR-15 For The 1st Time – Teens & Grandmas! (ages...

Shooting an AR-15 For The 1st Time – Teens & Grandmas! (ages 13-79)


Good Patriot hosts eight women ages 13-79 and has them shoot an AR-15 for the first time.

She gets their expectations before they shoot and we see what happens after they pull the trigger.

Do you know someone that needs to shoot this gun still! Share this video and help grow our 2nd Amendment family!

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  1. It speaks well of you that these ladies trusted you enough to permit you to place this particular rifle in their hands and then to actually shoot it. Congratulations! One hundred percent of these shooters had a positive experience with the AR15 which will translate into their telling their friends that they too should give it a try. We all thank you for your efforts.
    I think I speak for most of your subscribers when I say that I’d like to see more gun reviews/shooting videos by you.

  2. Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson said those guns are as heavy as 10 boxes and shoots .50 caliber rounds…how did you gals get so fit as to even pick one up and fire it? You do know she is an expert in weapons…by the way I must have world's strongest 10 year old grand-daughter she shoots expertly with mine LOL! Oh and by the way, she has killed 15 coyotes with it!

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