Home AR-15 Semi-automatic AR-15 is a Weapon of War? – #GUNVOTE

Semi-automatic AR-15 is a Weapon of War? – #GUNVOTE


Semi-automatic firearms, including the AR-15, account for approximately 70% of all firearms, and yet — in an attempt to single out the AR-15 — we keep hearing the same rhetoric from anti-gun politicians, celebrities and the media elite. “Weapons of war” is their new catchphrase. Fact is, the AR-15 is a semi-automatic civilian rifle and NOT a “Weapon of War”. Arm yourself with the facts at #AR15 #ModernSportingRifle #GUNVOTE #MSR #NSSF

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  1. This is all in fear, fear of the might of the American people having the constitutional right to take out a tyranny. The 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting, it has everything to do with defense. Defending the constitution of the United States and the people’s right to overthrow a tyranny.

  2. when MS-13 hoods and Islamist terrorists eventually filter throughout our nation, I guess we're going to settle for 'oops' as an excuse by politicians. Wake up people; they're using our tax dollars to keep their armed guards around them to make criminals out of the rest of us

  3. That's great but the 2nd. Amendment was actually put in place TO protect citizens rights to own WEAPONS of WAR.  Sad most Supreme Court Justices understand this but will not vote to uphold the 2nd. Amendment as written / indented.

  4. You only showed the democrats sounding ignorant, but Dimwit trump supported the New York SAFE Act and the 94 Assault Weapons ban. He has since supported the bump stock ban and is showing to be the most anti gun president in decades. What I am saying is pro-gunners are too busy being anti-Democrat they forget they are supported by anti gun republicans as well.

  5. IT always annoys me when gun control advocates and FUDDs make this distinction between their perfectly acceptable hunting rifles and "weapons of war", not realizing that their precious Remington 700s and Mossberg 500s are both used by the us military. By their logic some of the most popular hunting guns are weapons of war and should be banned.

  6. Just a sec, so it’s a weapon of war, so what? I’ve got half a dozen USGI infantry rifles some more than a hundred years old, others more recently surplussed. None of them hurt anyone since I’ve acquired them. Cryptography, radio direction finders, radar, sonar, RC airplanes, dogs and many, many more are weapons or tools used by military forces and by civilians, should we stop because they are tools of war? No more encryption on your phone or computer because “magic” helped us win WWII? This is all drivel for the weak minded.

  7. No gun is a "weapon" unless used as such. Guns are tools, just as a hammer is a tool. You could call a hammer a "weapon" if it was used as one. The same applies for any object.

  8. The ar 15 is not a weapon of war!!!!!!!!! Even the full auto military version is NOT a weapon of war. Those of us that have used true weapons of war call the M16 a mouse gun. like the M14, or the garand (which ironically is not considered an assault weapon, when it is 10 times the weapon that an M16 is). All it is really good for is killing mice. It's a damn hopped up 22. I quit using a 22 when I was 8 yrs old. Moved up to real guns, that will actually accomplish something when you use them.

  9. How do you teach people that have no idea what a full auto to a semi auto is look at politicians most of them don't know there A– from a hole in the ground.  sorry for this out look its been a fight all the way uphill. any and all suggestions are welcome. I am a life member of the NRA and  a member of the USCCA  just my input.

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