Home AR-15 New Bushmaster AR15 part + range

New Bushmaster AR15 part + range

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  1. Hey Bro, discovered your videos yesterday, could not stop viewing, excellent – I think it was the fucking food that got me hooked! Or, perhaps seeing someone from my old neighborhood, I grew up in Upper Darby, sister lives in Clifton Heights….I would like to know where you are from!

  2. Over at PoliceOne, an LEO-driven news/editorial website, they have strongly supported active LE, retired LE, and veteran MIL be tapped into as school and school bus security. The full-burden for two armed guards per school is under $200K/yr. A very small investment of tax dollars that would all but eliminate school shootings.

    Compared to banks; tellers/managers aren't armed, there is a trained, armed security guard who does nothing but provide security. When was the last bank massacre?

  3. Pete can't you complain about that to the range manager about the 5 rounds. You know I would complain about the 10 rounds mags here in CA but it's not so bad now because of the cost of ammo 223 ammo, it;s about 11 bucks at Walmart. thank you for your hard work on this info.

  4. it's the north… I live near him, the majority of ranges here don't allow rapid fire. There is only one range I can think of that allows rapid fire, it's in a gun shop that will rent you full-auto rifles and submachine guns. It's indoors, so it's a short range, I think only 25 yards. The 5 round thing is usually at a club-owned range, and more of a hunting club vs a sporting club. The sporting clubs don't usually care how many rounds you have.

  5. Military you sight in at 25 yards. Good group after sighting in the red dot. Side note, at the range I go to, in Pa, only allowed to shoot three rifle rounds at a time. So five is a luxury.

  6. God those range nazis… whats the big deal about loading your god damn magazine to capacity? are they afraid you're going on a shooting spree in a place where everyone is armed? what is the logic

  7. @theARMORYchannel armed guards would be the first targets.we need air marshall types in schools,plain clothes school employee thats secretly a security officer armed and trained for thr task just like the marshalls on commercial airlines.

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