Home AR-15 Slings: Why are a Necessary and How to Use Them Properly –...

Slings: Why are a Necessary and How to Use Them Properly – Gunsite Academy Firearms Training


Gunsite instructor Bob Whaley shows why a sling is a key component of a well-outfitted modern sporting rifle and not simply an optional piece of equipment. #AR15 #ModernSportingRifle #GUNSITE #MSR #LetsGoShooting #NSSF

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  1. Sling your single point over the non-shooting shoulder . When ready to move or use your hands , tuck the magazine through the V junction of the sling to your front and push the rifle back behind your firing side. Simple . Rifle tucked behind you and secured no problems.

  2. As an infantryman, sport target shooter and hunter I would offer a small bit of caution on this subject. Well presented, well spoken gentlemen demonstrating the value of a sling on a nice range with rifle racks and clean pressed shirts.  This is really aimed at the sport /IPSC shooter who can run his or her course of fire in sneakers and cutoffs, dropping mags behind them as they go. (maybe a cop or two or some guy clearing his kitchen at 2am when a trash can gets knocked over). In the infantry world, after adding on all the kit, body armor, back pack, helmet, extra ammunition bandoliers for support weapons,  and crap hanging off you (which you couldn't pass off or toss in the bushes) that cool ass sling can be a pain in the ass. Running,  jumping, crawling, reacting to fire, getting in and out of aircraft or vehicles …. digging, or hauling shit….. a cool but strangely slung rifle just loves to get in the way every time. Most will find it absolutely easier to tighten up a regular issue sling to the side of the rifle and carry the weapon in their hands.  The people who have run the battle drills fully kitted out going up, dash, down, up, dash, down know what I mean. Hard to add "loosen sling…tighten sling" into that drill as youre going full out in a threat environment. Then just wait and see the show when it snags on something! Thank you Mr Murphy… lol…. I want the rifle in my hands, not hanging down between my legs or off to the side. Not to mention that cool ass slings often put barrels in some crazy directions when youre doing stuff…. see the reaction when it ends up pointing at your buddy a few times when hes beside or behind ya!  If I need to do a non essential task.. then Im not being shot at so its not a huge concern anyway! I can set the rifle down…. which is the intent of a pistol…. for that one in a million "oh crap" my rifle isn't in my hands moment. Just saying. How did we ever fight 2 World Wars, and multiple small ones without such cool "essential"  slings? Folks, just think about your purpose for the device before blindly taking one instructors word as law…. especially when they start tossing in the "essential" word into the mix. That's all.

  3. Sheesh, you'd think people only carry AR's nowadays from clips like this. How about one on slings for hunting rifles that are more than just a tactical carry strap like these. Would be nice to see a video covering "shooter's slings" like the Brownell's Latigo and the Ching Sling (both regular 3pt and safari 2 pt mount)

    Yah know there are a LOT of rifles out there that are NOT an AR platform.

  4. for and anything bigger is just over kill. Now with choice A, it doesn't matter if you have a pistol or a fully automatic assault rifle, if he really wants you dead, then it wouldn't matter what you grab.

  5. Since when have they or ever will say that they will take away our guns. The only way the second amendment protects our right to bear arms is for SELF DEFENSE. I don't know about you, but I would be much more comfortable grabbing a small pistol from the drawer then taking out an assault rifle or shotgun. When someone is in your house as a threat it's either A-Someone who is probably trying to rob you or B-Someone who wants you dead. Now, fire a round and scare off choice A you only need a pistol

  6. While firearm may be defined as "a pistol, rifle, or other portable gun", I have a hard time defining the "arm" part of "firearm" without using the word "weapon", as do most dictionaries. Whereas when I look up "weapon", it is a thing "designed or used" for inflicting bodily damage. Perhaps particular models weren't designed specifically for that use (I wouldn't call a paintball gun or a frying pan a weapon), but guns generally were. Minding what police will interpret is a good decision though.

  7. There is also a technique used when you don't want to tote the rifle against your front, i.e. over the shoulder, with the (2-point) sling adjusted so you can quickly wrap it around your arm to form a more stable platform. The point of the video is still true, but applied differently.

  8. Sid, the Second Amendment does not contemplate sporting purposes and the media will continue as before / because they are a tool of propaganda /. They are on the attack, and bowing your neck before them will only result in your decapitation.

    It doesn't matter what we say or how we say it. Capice?

    The police are not mind readers … they will treat all of us alike when the time comes. Your intentions will not matter. If you do not want your guns taken from you, sell them to me or hide them NOW.

  9. as a sport shooter, i do get offended when people incorrectly termed and misuse these sporting equipments as weapons. by just calling it weapon does show the bad intention of a person (who may or may not involve with the firearm community) and reflect badly for the sport shooting community and law abiding citizens which stir up the media to hate the firearm even more. you sir, should be careful of what yo call your firearm for the police may find you as a threat though you have no real intention

  10. an inanimate object is only a weapon when it is intend to be use as such. a car can be use as a weapon and kill people and as the other guy say so can a frying pan, but only when the intention and attemp has been made. in this video these firearms are being use for sporting therefore they are 'sporting rifles' as they are sporting equipments. they may originally designed and developed as military weapon but as they not being use to create harm. they are NOT weapons!

  11. Add a Mount-N-Slot Tri-Glide to that Viking Tactical or other 2 point slings with Mash hooks, HK, or QD attachments, and get a convertible two-point to single-point sling. Best of both worlds.

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