I cover different types of backup iron sights and attempt to answer the question: Do You Need Back Up Iron Sights on your AR15?” in this video.
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Music used: Neuro Rhythm by Aaron Spencer
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Murphy doesn't care he hates us all equally. I would say that a high quality optics have a 5%-10% Failure rate as for a more common failure battery's I would put it at 0% to 60% Of the time. If it a rifle your life depends on just put some on if its a range toy or hunting rifle thats your choice .
I'll be damned if I'm told what to do by a hill troll
I don't know "Frank Proctor" but i served in special operations myself and i would urge EVERYONE to have back up irons on at least one set up.
Mr. Proctor probably operated in the desert… where it's DRY as a bone. If you're operating anywhere where there's mud… and your lens gets splattered with mud while you'd low or high crawling during a fire fight… you'll fucking wish you had some back up offset irons. Personally i like the Blitzkrieg neon/fluorescent front site posts so i can see the post against dark backgrounds…. or you could paint the damn thing.
I'd imagine a red dot with a kill flash could easily get clogged with mud while low or high crawling during a firefight.
Best thing to do is THINK FOR YOURSELVES instead of totally relying on some guy who "Served" and has a bunch of experience.
The minute you stop thinking for yourself is the moment you lose.
If you come to the comments before watching the video.
Yes of course put backup irons on your rifle.
Insightful and informative. I'm buying my first AR15 and I'm still basically reeling from all the options and possibilities. This is one of the videos that explains stuff clearly helping us novices navigate thru our first setup.
Which optic and mount on the rifle in the background. MRO?
No 45° offsests? Magpul pro 45° BUIS are amazing.
Late to the party here. Frank Proctor is a super switched on dude and I have nothing but respect for him. However, just because it he hasn't seen it doesn't mean it hasn't happened. I served in combat units most of my 20+ year career and shit just happens. I've seen shit break or go down that shouldn't. Murphy always has a vote. If your primary optic shits the bed on an op (for whatever reason), I'd rather have and not need than need and not have. Everybody has to decide what their priorities are and make that call. Personally, like you, I keep my fighting guns equipped with back-up irons. Consider it cheap insurance.
In my opinion every rifle needs iron sights
I always prefer iron sights because they don't need batteries and they don't break when dropped.
Great video as always. Cool shirt, but the word liberals should be replaced with Communists because that's who the progressive left really are!
I was running my AR w/ a knockoff holographic EO Tech scope & after a few shots the crosshair would turn off. I’ve always had my iron sights on the rifle though. And for some odd reason, I’m more accurate with iron sights than a scope when I’m shooting at targets that are 70 yards out. I think it might have to do with my tremors which runs in the family.
While with a quality optic you probably don’t need them I’d still rather have them and never need them then have my battery die or something and not have them on hand to use.
Always….failures in electronics occur no matter how high end they are. If you choose not to buy buis, a 1x prism with an etched reticle or a small powered illuminated scope with etched reticle will be better choices.
What the fuck are iron sights? I think I got plastic or Mine are wood they could be made out of fabric? NO! No buddy ever called fucking sights fucking Ironsights ! just called them goddamn fucking sights but you millennial fucking faggot gotta always make up names for things just call them fucking sights I never had anything else on any of my guns but sight never iron sights! just sights!!! but you fucking faggots are bunch of goddamn fucking dick sucking retards!!! Yeah and you probably got a ping-pong paddle your Rainbow warrior gun an probably got fucking birdcage and you probably got a fucking retarded charging handle as nobody I ever knew charged any gun they always cocked there fucking gun you faggot ass cunt fucking jew !! Nobody in my lifetime ever put their eyes on are there fucking ears on it but there I protection on are there fucking earplugs in but you millennial dick sucking faggot always got to try to rename things because you want to try to be cool because you can never fucking invent a goddamn fucking thing this fucking world’s going to go to hell people in 1776 died for you faggots? No!!!!!
Iron sights are the must. Can't go wrong with Troy or Diamond Head.
Or cut the fsb down
I mean considering 90% of people are just blowing through ammo in the desert or at a range I would say no … but it looks cool to have lol
newbie here.. what are pros/cons to having both front and rear? If had to pick one.. what is better.. front or rear?
Man. You need to make a rifle update. Show us all your rifles and which ones you hope to add to the collection and what you might get rid of in the near future. Kind of how car youtubers do garage updates lol
Frank proctor is definitely a squared away dude but BUS weigh so little and take up so little space I just say why the hell not. Better to have and not need then need and not have.
Most bolt guns don't have Iron sights. It's just a level of redundancy If the optic is quality it can be stronger the the back-up sights themselves.
Yes. Always have back up iron sights. That optic goes down when you need and you don’t have back up irons, you’re fucked.
Hate backup Iron Sights. Always have them just in case.
Iron sights are basic and classic.
Just bought a DB-15 from PT Gunworks. I wanted the fixed FSP and fixed carry handle upper bc I was told to learn with irons and don't want to get tempted. I'm sure I could mount something to the handle directly tho
Use 45 degree iron sights and both sights stay out of each other’s way. A good optic may never fail but iron sights are just good insurance.
Another the more you pay the better it is commercial. How did Grandpa get through World War 2 without a red dot?
Amish Jihad?
In the Marines, we used ACOGs and yes, while we never needed our backup sights, we still had them! You just never know… Most of us will never see the benefit of a seatbelt, but that doesn't mean we should not wear them… When fancy gear breaks down, you goto the fundamentals!
I run fixed front and rear daniel defense sights co witnessed with aimpoint pro on aero precision mount on 16" bcm mcmr and I like the fixed sights
I love daniel defense sights and the MBUS pro looks interesting. I will definitely be getting the DD fixed front and the MBUs pro rear after this video. Thanks! They will go on my BCM RECCE 16 (Coming in a couple weeks)
What’s you opinion of the MRO vs the MRO patrol?
Just bought the same shirt you are wearing from MinuteMen Apparel.
Yes you need iron sights on your fighting rifle
In a dark environment and you need to use a flashlight… The back up sight co witness is a WIN.
On a defensive firearm YES, on a range toy no
I'm in the same boat, I used to run them on all of my rifles now only a few and the rest sit in a dresser, there is really no need for me personally. I use pretty high quality optics and if I needed to use a rifle for defense it would only be in my home. 10 yard shots with a rifle are not exactly tough with point shooting if you practice.
Excelling video, as always. I can't wait to see more of that DD m4a1. Keep it up!
Hey Micah, I have an early GG&G upper that came with an optional BUIS on 45 degree front and rear mounts. I don't see much info on the 45 deg side mounts but it is another viable option for back up and does not interfere with optics. I only practiced with close range using that set up (50 – 100 yds) and I don't think I would use beyond that range. It was also a little awkward learning to shoot in that pivoted position. Just some thoughts from watching your post.
Thanks again for the great videos,
If you don't plan on meeting Murphy your wrong!
What kind of barrel shroud do you have on the FDE rifle shown in the beginning?.
Wait wait wait, tell me more about that nasty ass FDE rifle!
What's the flipaside you're using for your magnifier?
If I have a 1×4 optics and I wanna run angled irons, what would work best? I’m also left handed.
I don't use buis on my rifles with acogs, I do use them with my red dots though.
Good talk
I want that shirt