In this video will be talking about ammunition and what you should be feeding your #M4’s and #AR15’s
Ammunition plays a critical part and how your rifle will perform
Bushmaster accuracy testing
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My Bushmaster a2 m4 came with a cut down ar15 bolt carrier
My Windhams (2) and Rock Rivers (2) all shoot both 55 and 62 grain about the same. Both print MOA or better.
Does your girl call you… The BUSH…master?
smith and Wesson, Ruger or American tactical for ar15? Never had but about to get one, I'm in CA and no bushs here BUTT the baked beans
basically I'll be looking at pawn shops because I love to save money.
What about Olympic Arms
I use Melonite barrels in every AR I've ever had. Never had an accuracy or durability issue with it. The military simply specifies chrome lining for corrosion resistance. And at the time of the development of the M16A1 melonite wasn't an available option.
M855 will not burn out your barrel faster
I've got a old bushmaster patrolmans special I bought off a leo. Shoots decent with most everything I put threw it, 55 or 62. 55 grain opens up just a hair more then 62, but not by much. Interesting how one gun can very greatly from the next!
I have a self built that I like to call my "modern lightweight m4" it uses a Ballistic Advantage Hanson 14.5 with a .625 profile and 1:8 twist. I use 65gr and group on average .75moa
I have a Windham
Weaponry Bushmaster same model as yours. Love it. Great rifle. I run nothing but 62 grain. Everyone knows your accuracy will depend on weight and twist rate etc etc. I run all Lake City Ammo nothing but. Buy all I can. It’s not shiny and pristine but it’ll run same every round. Head stamped LC and NATO, it has a 100 yr shelf life and 10 years submerged in water. Now nobody leaves their Ammo for 100 year or in water, but it’s all military grade. I e bought XTac and other exotic rounds that have had ftf. With the LC I’ve never ever had a ftf. Love my Bushmaster. If you can find the old ones buy one
Thank you
What are your thoughts on the Ruger cold hammer forged chromoly 16" steel barrels with 1/8 twist
55 gr sucks I like 77 or 62 for whatever twist all ars like 62 .. 77 works good in a bushmaster too
You know all rifle barrel's are different. What one likes doesn't mean the very next one off the line will like the same ammo. My wife and I both have 6 mm rem. In the same manufacturer rifle. Both like the 80 gr federal and the win 100 gr. My wife's can use the hornday sst it doesn't like them as much as the other loads. But my rifle hates them. Honestly 34 in groups at 100 yds. With the federal. But the sst look like I shot the target with buck shot. Real 12-15 in groups. Why? No idea the rifle just does not like them.
And through my shooting the green tip never been as good as the 55 gr fmj out of mine. But I mostly use soft points or different hunting loads.
Everglades Ammo https://www.evergladesammo.com/bullets/rifle-bullets.html has a great variety of good 62 grain bullets.
Welcome to shooting , crying is part of the sport ! Crying sessions usually occur right after you have spent a pile of money on the perfect gun.
I run IMI M193 through my Colt. Works fine.
Hornady 68gr bt.
The reason likes they 62gr bullets can be answered in one easy answer its because it is a 5.56 throat. Now with that said if was a 223 it be accurate with the lighter bullets if was a 223 wyld it do okish with lighter bullets down to like 45gr then still not as good as a true 223.
I've been using hornady's frontier line with 62gr and 68 gr without any appreciable difference. It even stacks up to some match ammo I've used. Though my barrel is a 1-7 twist with a wylde chamber.
great video