Here’s a how to video on zeroing AR-15 iron sights. In the video I use a Magpul MBUS rear and an A2 front sight but the process is the same regardless of the sights used.
Music used:
Deliver Us From Evil (band)
Walk Into My Grave (song)
Dance of Pixies by Machinimasound.com
Licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY 3.0 Unported License |

You're so young here…
I came for the guns stayed for the metals
Thank you for a great quick to the point explanation.
You’re trampling some poor farmers crops!

I know this is an older video but I used this method in 4-18 and it was easy to understand and follow. Worked great and made zeroing very simple.
My AR-15 only goes on safety when it's charged and loaded is that normal
I have Knights Armament 600 meter back up sights. When I set the rear to the z Mark and adjust the front sight for 100 meter zero the front post is past the protective ears. I don't understand why. I figure I'm doing something wrong. Any ideas?
ok. this is gun video done by a man that isn't a "gun guy". sights on ARs are calibrated for 100 meters. to compensate for the 25 meter distance, you need to dial in 4 times the elevation and windage, because youre 1/4 the distance. IE 1 click at 100 meters is =1/4 inch. Since the bullet only travels 1/4 that distance at 25 meters, youd need 4 clicks to 1. this man obviously doesn't know that. Theres LOTS of knowledgeable people on youtube about this subject. Please seek this imformation elsewhere.
Zeroed in my ar at 25 yards today and was grouping great. Took it out to 100 yards and didn't hit paper? Can you tell me anything about this?
Your video is great. I just purchased my Colt AR and have lots to learn. I heard a click sound before each shot, are you using a special trigger?
When I clicked on the video the music scared the hell out of me.
Excellent prone position! You were well trained!
when you zero the rifle did you use the small or large aperture? thank you
How come those Magpul sights I gotta slam the rear sight all the way right and basic metal ones it's not so much?? Just realized this after I got rid of my carry handle which I really like alot.. not so much fan of red dots tho..
I have an M1A Socom 16 -with a Trijicon H3 14 front iron sight and there traditional rear sight – I can’t find any useful info on zeroing this type of sight – if you could do a video,that would be great! Thanks
Does this target work for carbine length 16 inch barrels i seen two different targets.
Huge bug over your left shoulder @ 00:53! Great vid!
Just got my first ar and did this same exact zero method yesterday, got military family members so the targets are easy to come by. Im just wondering if its that big of a difference to move it to 50, because the target says zero it at 25m which is like 75' and its supposed to be accurate out to 300m supposedly. Is that wrong? Or is ot just preference and theory
Why do you correct yourself from yards to meters?
I built a 20" HBAR to kind of mimic the rifles we used (m16A1). Put a carry handle on it. Didn't have a AR type platform rifle until 5 or 6 years ago and adapted to the more modern style equip and shooting, used the 50 yard zero. On this 20" I zeroed at 36 confirmed at 300 all good, but my question is I seen the A2's getting issued out but "just cause happened" and I got out right after it was over, so I have no training on the A2 sight what is the correct zero to make the wheel elevations work out at distance?
Is that cotton field you shoot in yours? or do you have someone that lets you shoot on that farm? Perfect range area for a bunch of stuff
Which way do you turn the front post to raise POI???
Why are you guessing your clicks? The target tells you exactly how many you need?
Aperture and sight picture would be nice, for the not so AR EDUCATED….. Awesome Brother…
usps wants their box back
Man, these a big black bug heading for you in that veg row behind you, swing around and nail him1
so turning the front post clockwise will bring the bullet up?
But 1 is it the same with a 15" Free float Hand guard "Front Sight @ the End & 2 My $10.00 Ebay Front Magpul Flip Up Front sight looks like it needs a Small Allen wrench to move the Set Screw B4 I can adjust the Front Sight
so turning the front post clockwise will bring the bullet up?
that is a big ass bug at the beggining
Page not found for the target
do you change the zero if you are using steel case ammo or just keep it zero with the better ammo used?
Thanks for the video! very helpful
After you've finished building your platform, how do you know where to start on your iron sights in order to get to a 25m zero?
Great video but I'm shocked your not shooting into a proper back stop. Where are those rounds going?
looks like you're a lead farmer! lol
hello again,can you zero your iron sight with a bore Lazer?
Hello. Where can I get those zeroing target that you used on this video? Thank you in advance
what do you recommend for back up/ flip up iron sights?
Also, what are any experiences with the MaTech BUIS you and others may have on a barrel length greater than 14.5", with the sights still spaced the same, as well as being more distantly spaced, throughout the MaTech's ranging ranges?
What's the best front sight companion for the MaTech BUIS, in your opinion, if you aren't using the A2 front sight, but want a low profile tactical same plane flip up front sight, instead?
I talk to this former U.S.Marine same thing He told me He like to Zero his Ar to 50 yards
and he said once you zero your sight to 50 yards you can hit 300 yards no problem