This is a review of the limited edition OPMOD Eotech EXPS3-0 and G33 Magnifier combo from OpticsPlanet. This exclusive color also has a green reticle.
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I think I'd rather have black.. Only because the FDE they used doesn't really match other FDE from other manufacturers.. Plus they have 3 different shades of FDE on this combo… Meh lol
@TheDailyShooter now that you live in Nevada, are you turning your AR's from Californiastan legal to Freedom legal? And any plans for an SBR?
Useless sight because we all know nothing happens when you pull your trigger when the crosshair is green
Shit. I have the OPMOD EXPS3/G33 FDE with red reticle I bought 2 years ago.
Looks overly expensive and heavy.
Plus, fuck Eotech for donating to Feinstein.
I thought they were 65moa ring?
Didn’t eotech donate to Dianne Feinstein? I may have heard wrong. I didn’t fact check. Does anyone have any information on that?
Haha. There used to be a survival shovel called that. Can't find em anywhere now though.
You never said the price!!!!!!
almost got an EOtech but too many QC issues
That is so sweet. I want i want
Nice. But I prefer a Handle on mines.