Home AR-15 The Anderson Arms Ar-15 Pistol Used by Dayton Ohio Shooter PSA Pistol...

The Anderson Arms Ar-15 Pistol Used by Dayton Ohio Shooter PSA Pistol Kit Has Nothing To Do Wit Mine


The Anderson Arms Ar-15 Pistol Used by Dayton Ohio Shooter PSA Pistol Kit Has Nothing To Do Wit Mine. Gun Rights and New Gun Laws Will Not Help.

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  1. All due respect it's a firearm not a weapon it's not a weapon until it's used as a weapon just like a coffee mug… The person behind the fire arm is who turns it into a weapon… Food for thought we don't need to give the left anymore amo to take our fire arm freedoms away

  2. Well said Brother, well said.
    As more murders are committed with knives than firearms every year, the evil firearm has got to be banned, they say. The problem is neither one of these. It's all a heart problem. Christ said if you lust you have already committed adultery, the same can be said about murder.
    Take care Brother, God bless you and your family

  3. Thank you. I appreciate what you said and I agree with you!
    Murder is a heart condition! Remember there were murders centuries before guns. Look at Gen.4 when Cain murdered his brother Abel!
    The need for firearms only proves what the Bible says about man! Man is evil(Rom.1:18-32; Rom.3:9-24; Rom.5:12-21)! Sin entered into the world in Gen.3! And as a result death by sin!
    Jesus is the answer! He is the ONLY WAY to God(Matt.1:21; John 3:16; John 14:6; Acts 4:12)!
    Well thank you very much for this video. I will forward it. God bless you!

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