Testing out a new strait walled AR-15 caliber build with deer hunting in mind.
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Try taking more than one shot on a deer and let us know how it goes.
Have you seen the shadow systems MR918? A phenomenal price for a Gucci glock
The perfect hunting rifle only if you can't use 6.8 SPC, 6.5 Grendel, or 224 Valkyrie.
How do you like the primary arms scope? What model is it?
Thanks for your help
I’m thinking about getting an upper in this caliber. I am new to hunting and am about to get my license here in Ohio. Any advice from the more experienced guys out there who have hunted with shotguns and rifles? Would appreciate it.
As addressed below, a 357 Maximum rimless for semi-auto.
Quick question what are their rules defining what caliber is OK and what is not?
Not used to watching Honest Outlaw and not hearing the constant pinging of lead hitting steel
Totally cool!!
Some unsolicited advice on your zero.
With my hunting rifles I used a maximum point blank zero. Once you have chosen your hunting load, chronograph it and get the ballistic coefficient of the projectile. Enter that data into the ballistic calculator of your choosing. It is best to print out your drop in 10 yard increments if possible. Then, look at the trajectory. You can use the calculator to adjust the zero until your trajectory is never more than 3 inches high. At whatever distance that is, that’s where you zero. Then, keep track of the range at which the projectile falls below 3 inches in its trajectory. That’s your maximum point blank range. You’ll know that anywhere from the muzzle out to whatever distance the bullet falls below 3 inches, all you need to do is put the cross hairs on the bullseye and you will never be any more than 3 inches high or 3 inches low out to your max point blank range.
This system has worked well for me. Best of luck!
so you can use a straight walled cartridge but you cant use a necked down cartridge? wtf kind of law is that and what is the reasoning behind it?
I would like to add something, as a houseless person myself. When you support a shelter, make sure that they accept anyone, regardless of religion, many shelters will only accept someone if they pray to whatever god the church that runs the shelter is affiliated with. Also, try to donate to shelters that accept transgender folks, as finding a shelter is hard enough, without having to find one that will accept me for who I am.
so 350 legend is just a little faster 300blk if that? 300 blk is straightwalled too. I just dont get these lawmakers.
It seems to be basically a .357 Maximum only rimless. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I do find the round interesting.
I'm always amazed by the really short shooting distances you guys have back East…….I live in Central WY, and out here, most folks I know zero their rifles no shorter than 200 yards, with a bunch of others at 300 yards, for Mulies and Speed Goats (though we do have a couple hundred thousand or so whitetails running around in addition to the 400,000 Mulies).
My elk gun was a 700 Rem. BDL chambered in .338 RUM, with an 8-25×50 Leupold scope atop, and my zero for that gun was 400 yards (I used it specifically for elk.). The .338 RUM using stock, off the shelf Remington Swift A-Frame rounds (Rem's version of a Nosler Partition) of 250 grains, had 2025 ft lbs of kinetic energy at 500 yards. The reticle was modified Mil-Dot from Premier Scopes (the old man was one of the first to put truly 'round' mils in the reticle, with Half-Mil hash marks between each round mil), and it made shooting long distances (which is a must out here most of the time) so much more sure and easier.
Don't get me wrong, when you're in the timber here, it's like everywhere else 30-90 yard shots, but our parks out here (small meadows in the mountains) can be anywhere from a couple hundred yards distant, to 1000 yards out, with a 6×6 bull elk just waiting to be taken to the freezer.
Should anyone of you from back East be heading out here this Fall for a hunt, I suggest you buy a REALLY accurate range finder, and zero your guns for 300 yards…..you'll have to re-zero them once here of course, because most of you are coming from sea level and you can find Mulies and Speed Goats up between 8000 and 9000 feet.
I live in the midlands elevation wise, and I'm at just under 4700', out in the Oil Patch (I can hunt deer and speed goats 150 yards out my front door, whitetail are about 3 miles from me, and elk 2 hours away, 2 packs of Yotes use our two street section here in Gasplant as a 'boundary' for their territories!) of Central Wyoming, but one of my fave elk/mulie areas is 7k-9k elevation only 2 hours West of me.
Lastly, going from sea level to our elevations out here, be prepared for breathing problems, and that's just standing around, when you get to exerting yourself hiking, your lungs and heart will really get stressed. Altitude Sickness IS a Real Thing and NOT to be dicked with at all!
I'm crippled up these days, and have heart trouble, so I can't hunt elk anymore, and I'm gonna put my place up for sale and move to Alaska and do a heck of a lot more fishing, but with the number of moose up there, I'll have to get my head in Iowa Mode of shots under 200 yards……believe it or not, that IS going to be difficult for me…..anything under 90 yards I consider to be bow hunting range.
Thanks again for a great video…….
Smh straight wall in Iowa?! Here in Michigan most of the state is anything you want for deer over .22 rimfire
Interesting rifle. Glad to see a manufacturer helping you in states with Wierd hunting laws. Wi is county by county, but plenty rifle counties.
Ohio too.

I have never understood why that rifle restriction is up north.
I live in Tennessee… And there's no restriction on caliber but… The game commission down here tends to favor bowhunters more than rifles. And the hunting areas are very limited. If you were hunting with a rifle you have a week… And your bag limit is two. If you are hunting with a compound bow… You pretty much have the whole entire season…And don't quote me on this but I think the bag limit is four or five. anything shot on public land has to go through the game warden… Anything shot on private property… Is exempt. It's enough to make your head spin here in the south.
Why can't you hunt with rifle cartridges? That doesn't make any sense to me. Seems like a lot of midwest states have that law.
I favor the grundle for whitetail
New barrel? Unplated bore? Break in? Shooting bench and bags help me.
Just glad when Wisconsin went from some shotgun only counties to rifle, I could use my 30-06. Too bad a wide open State like Iowa puts a ridiculous limitation on it's hunters.
Wow this is the first time ever watching firearm videos I have not been jealous of US gun laws. Can't hunt large game with rifle ? Seems so foreign to me. Even in the thickest rainforests of the Pacific Northwest of Canada I hunt with 300 Win mag and 7mm.
How does the magpul bipod hold up
Gunblue490 channel debunks the marketing hype that it's "ballistically equivalent to the 30-30" for deer. Maybe in accuracy and trajectory, but not in terminal performance.
Wait you can only have straight walled rifle calibers in Iowa? Cause if not stick with 5.56
Picked up a .350 legend barrel from KAK after I shot the rifling out of an old Stag rifle. It will more than likely be my whitetail caliber for the foreseeable future since I’m in a straight walled state as well.
Thanks for coming on Fit’nFire Fire this week.
I've looked at this and the 350 legend does not shoot flatter or further than the 450BM; the main advantage to 350 seems to be a lighter recoil. If a 450BM has a 150 zero it will be -1.8" at the muzzle and -4.7" @200 yards… I'm not seeing anything from 350 that beats this which is too bad. I can't figure out why this cartridge isn't getting better performance.
Nice Vid, I’m Glad They Gave It Such A Great Name!
Carry On
350 won’t load in a standard magazine because the mags have ribs where 5.56 has its neck. I don’t know yet if you can run 5.56 or 300 blackout in the 350 mags.
Built a 14.5” pistol in 350 Legend almost as soon as it came out. Not spectacular accuracy (2-3 moa with fmj), but way better than slugs. Shotguns are for birds.
Great looking rifle. Seams to shoot nice.
Very nice initial review. Potentially interesting caliber.
Marlin 30-30 not legal in Iowa????? WTF?
350 legend (why) 450 bushmaster is a much better choice with the size of Iowa deer.
Not a perfect deer rifle, but maybe an adequate one for those states that require a cartridge like the .350.
I’m digging the old GMC in the background

sorry also a truck guy 

great vid
I like it… But now we have a "9mm long" (350 Legend) and a ".45 Long" (.450 Bushmaster). Now I'm just waiting for a .40 or 10mm "Long" with a straight walled 6.8 SPC case for ARs to start another caliber war
Badass rifle! Here in Ohio, I’m figuring this caliber is going to take off for whitetail. 42 years old and this will be the first time in my life I ever got to hunt deer with AR. A 450BM.
Nice interesting I'm also looking to get the spring field Victor 308
I'm #12! AWEsome!!!
… Apparently, I've won a rash from watching you lie in the grass like that. Excuse me, I have an itch to scratch.
Wicked cool
Wow never been first. Awesome rifle!