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That's a gay looking ar.
Remember California gun laws in the 70s?? U could walk out same day with full assault rifle no problem
Can't you remove that stock?! And replace it with your own?
When are the states going to rewrite the 1st Adminment, 4th,5th. Only if I was a illegal immigrant I can a AK 47,
That looks very uncomfortable to shoot but it is California one of those gun hating states that's rich in LIBERTARDS. I'd never live there.
If you could punch out that plastic filler on the hand guard area the stock would be awesome imo. They must have set up the sights at the factory or you wouldn't have hit the target at all. Nice rifle.
Jesus Christ. Y'all make sure you keep your commie friends the fuck in your own state I hope that shit falls into the ocean soon.
California is a shit hole.
California is a waste of space.
its an m4 platform
Y’all need to stand up to the California tyrannical government
Got one a while back same 556 you have. I didnt like the look but after a while I grew on me and it was the only one i could find around. Other stores didnt sell Ar-15 so the only one that did sold this one. Planning to get the thumb rest so I can grip it better and add some other stuff. Thanks for the video.
Omg that looks so fucking retarded
Where the fuck are you shooting? Inveite me, dog.
Yo x eso no me compro uno de esos, las leyes en California son muy mamonas, yo agarre el calibre 22
Can you remove the stock? For example if later down the road CA lightens up (not likely). Is it possible to adjust and replace with the good ol features?
I am from South Africa and personal message to California is do something instead of whining. The American Democrats are beating down on law abiding gun owners and nothing is done !!!!
If California Gun Owners keep stepping back each time they push you, they will have you over the cliff within five to ten more years. Stand up and Say NO MORE!!
Look up FRS-15 Stock its CA compliant it has more of a natural rifle hand position
I liked the video! Do you mind checkeing out my channel?