Home AR-15 The ATF Has Redefined What A "pistol" Is: Are You Committing A...

The ATF Has Redefined What A "pistol" Is: Are You Committing A Felony Now?


The ATF has recently redefined what a pistol (AR pistols, AK pistols, etc…) is, how it is measured, and what is required to add a vertical grip to your firearm.

ATF Letter:

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  1. Is there a history book, or encyclopedia of this agency, and of the related laws since the beginning of the agency? Can the agency make any laws, or is it the legislature that is the one who is supposed to make the laws? Is there a line of who exactly makes laws regarding self defense tools between a legislative body, and an agency? Are there any studies being done on the amount of laws, or restrictions made, and in how much this costs per year? Is there any research being done on the history of the various laws, and on what were the effects good or bad from the laws? Who specifically is overseeing this agency with audits, or proper checks regarding the constitution?

  2. Thanks for the video and specifications so I didn't become a felon over night. I said it in the last presidential election to all my friends Donald Trump never supported the second amendment until he ran for president now here we are stuck between a tyrant against the second amendment and the ones that want to abolish it completely.Well played. Ted Cruz and Rand Paul would of never stood for this bullshit of letting the Atf make their own rules without Congress. we are all doomed to the 2016 now 2020 election all over again dammed if you do dammed if you don't

  3. I know what you explained at around 4:40 about the intent to fire with two hands. However, the code clearly states an AOW can not have a rifled bore. Stop quoting the ATF they are not the proper party to write for a decision. That entire argument is stupid. They train every single one of their agents to shoot pistols with two hands. That is not a deciding factor.

    On a side note the only pistol I could think right off hand I would want a vertical forward grip on would be a sp5k type. If you have legal questions as a citizen write your AUSA's office. If you want guidance you can call the ATF.

  4. Again, stop writing letters to the ATF unless you are a manufacturer since the ATF is not the proper venue to get a legal opinion. Only the AUSA's office should do that.

  5. As far as I know it was never legal to put vertical grips on pistols. This shit isn't new. They just trying to find new ways to make money for themselves. Build your pistol as an Aow.

  6. they didnt redefine anything. its always been end of barrel threads to end of buffer tube (on an AR). if that distance is less than 26" you cant install a vertical grip. if you have a folding adapter like the law tactical folder, you measure to the end of the folding adapter with the adapter folded.

    basically there is no legal way to put a vertical grip on an AR with anything shorter than an 11.5" barrel without filing for an AOW. if your barrel is longer than 11.5" you should be good to go

  7. So if you use a longer receiver extension tube, like A2 or similar, but then use a spacer inside to use a standard carbine length buffer system, is that spacer considered "superfluous"?

  8. So since the definition for inclusion in overall length is whether the part is integral to the weapons function, that would mean the Law Tactical AR folder could be included in the measurement in its extended position. The AR wont function with the Law Tactical folder collapsed (or folded), so this letter should change anything for those with that product on their weapon. But then again, its the ATF.

  9. So much for the “bill of rights” there is no America or freedom anymore it’s just communism. And nothing has changed for the better under Chump. Our rights have been turned into privileges and all the patriotic dumbasses y’all about how free we are.

  10. Jesus Christ it’s time to abolish the ATF. Sick and tired of everything getting regulated to the point you can’t have anything. I see there being no reason for this to even be brought into fruition, putting a fore grip isn’t going to make it anymore deadlier than it already is it’s just another way for the government to seize your stuff and fine you.

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