Home AR-15 The AR-15 Rifle | Banned In Canada?

The AR-15 Rifle | Banned In Canada?


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We have it on good word that the number of Legally owned AR15 in 🇨🇦Canada is fast approaching the 100,000 unit mark! Never before in the history of the 🇨🇦Canadian Firearm community has North America’s favourite black rifle ever received this kind of love.

Both new and the old shooters/hunters are starting to show signs of really coming together, and as this little survey on panel 2 shows….. the public is recognizing where the focus of government needs to be.

Congratulations everyone that has thrown their hat into the ring. Welcome to the fight for firearm rights! We have already thrown the first punch!

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  1. Canada does not have a firearms problem. It should stay that way as long as we do not start talking self defence and firearms for the purpose of using them against another person. We are not Americans with a poor attitude towards firearms usage.

  2. I dream of a day. A day in the future where I will be able to go to the grocery store with an openly carried firearm or concealed carried, which ever way I wish. I dream one day I may carry a firearm for the protection of life of others, my family and myself. I recently went on a trip to Arizona a few days ago and it was awesome seeing normal everyday civilians open carrying firearms into fast food restaurants, and nobody saying anything, or outside or at any shop and it was completely normal and those people were keeping others safe and no one felt scared at all. It was all around accepted and contributing to a safe community that extremely effectively deterred crime.

  3. Awesome video Guy's. I am one of legal Firearms owners that purchased a AR-15 and still haven't received a transfer yet, which sucks. Keep up the hard work. Cheers

  4. I didn't have much in the finance department but I collected what coin I had and got a mystery lower from TNA. My first AR lower. It was a BCL15 and they were awesome enough to through in an upper. Are very pleasant surprise.

  5. Yes, by voting Conservative, we protect Canada and our ways of relaxed and minorities accepting style of living where no crimes come from us normal people. Taking AR's out of legal and law abiding owners will suddenly take these guns off our streets?! Wait a second, it's already illegal to even transport these restricted firearms without very specific laws and rules, let alone take one out to the streets!! However, criminals aren't affected with this Trudeau mambo-jambo, they enjoy freedoms unobstructed and have as many illegal firearms they want to own as they keep laughing their guts out on this pending ban since it doesn't affect them in any possible way.

  6. Beautiful modern rifle! Most Law abiding Canadians love them, and would never do anything to mess up the privilege we have to own and shoot them!
    Ban Liberals, plain and simple!

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