CNN’s Randi Kaye goes to a shooting range to show us how powerful the Sig Sauer MCX is. The assault-style rifle used during the Orlando attacks.
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Damned liberals, always trying to take away our gun rights. I'll tell you what, I won't willingly give up any of my guns!!!
Atleast they have someone competent shooting the gun this time.
But it seems like CNN has given up on the AR-15. Now it has to find another scapegoat gun.
so a 7yo girl can control this gun like a bb gun but these adults act like its a fire hose?Oh and look at how she deceives the viewers as if the entire bullet is fired and the shel and all comes tumbling at you.
0:48 nah dumbass it’s a cheap 20 dollar airsoft springer pistol you found at dicks sporting goods
The same FPS with the same length of barrel and cartridge as an AR15* well no shit!
223 designed for maximum damage. She is really stupid. 223 wasnt designed for maximum damage at all.
this is an ar15 u libtards
“The benefits of a gas piston are _ and ___.”
“Does it give the weapon more power?”
You’re trying SO HARD…
Did cnn promote a gun wow that's new usually it's the other way around
Im getting a sig saure mcx now nice gun
Fuck CNN and these anti gun morons
"Does it give the weapon more power" What the fuck is she talking about?
Lmao this women is so uneducated on firearms it’s hilarious. I love my AR-15 and plan on building a few more
What you said about the less powerful than an AK47 thing is bullshit because the 7.62×39 has more stopping power but the .223 is much faster but not as powerful so they are equally as deadly
CNN make a review on the Rock River AR 15 plz
Lol her form was terrible
Did CNN take money from sig sauer for this ad?
One less liberal in the street.
Some say she bought a couple AR-15s after this reporting!
The Sig Sauer MCX's SURG SYSTEM is being used by the Department of Defense to optimize their M4A1 rifles for suppressed fire. They're not using the MCXs themselves. Gosh, CNN's reporters take all research out of context and demonize anything that liberals hate.
Back when CNN had somewhat an idea of guns
Look son! If i killed president with a muzzleloader should it be banned as well?
"About the same power as an AR-15" jesus Christ. Power is determined by the caliber of the bullet not the weapon platform. SMH
Yeah I'm pretty sure we know what an ar15 is, CNN. If you are one of the few that havent shot one before you at least know what it is. Lmao thanks for trying though.
Her placement on her stance when she fires the weapon makes me uncomfortable.
Wow, .223 such power. Lots of handguns have more power. Please shut up CNN.
LMFAO, the guy literally just said he could shoot 30 rounds in a minute. Dude, if it takes you that long to shoot that many rounds, you're either slow, dumb, or something's wrong with your weapon.
There's record times of less than 12 seconds to mag dump 30 rounds, and you're telling me it takes you 30 seconds to do it? Hell a woman shot 30 rounds in 18 seconds, are you telling me that you're slower than her? LMFAO!
You could get 75 rounds off in 30 seconds, more if you're good. This is hilarious, you just made yourself look even worse.
You're trying so hard to demonize the weapon and not the people using said weapons. It may have worked in New Zealand, but it's not working here. Your sick demented psych programs to brainwash people to going and doing this is why we won't stand down.
Hey guess what CNN, .223 is a varmint round.
The way she holds it makes me want to throw up
Did that woman just call is a "sig sower?"
2:48? that gun stance. Deadly
Well I'm sold. Gonna buy one now. Thanks @CNN !
2:17 This is a strange porno.
Anyone else notice when they're talking about the round tumbling cnn obviously cut out where he is about to tell her only the tip tumbles as the casing is left behind. hmmmm not showing the full story are we
originally meant for U.S. special operations. What where do they get their bs
Idk, I like shotguns, they’re fun to shoot pigeons
Lol CNN has more likes since they're fake news