A Full Review of My M4 Style AR-15 The whole kit was under $450.
Upper nk PSA 16″ Mid-Length 1:7 Stainless Freedom Upper
Lower nk PSA AR-15 Complete Blem Lower
Music www.bensound.com youtube download
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Looks great just the way it is brother. No homo.
I've got the same upper, barrel and all. Threw a lower together with a PSA parts kit and a spare aluminum receiver. Nothing fancy but has never had a malfunction at about 1000 rounds – half cheap steel cased wolf. Can't go wrong – check out ak operators union's torture test of the PSA freedom rifle
Excellent minds excellent rifles "!!
Question, if I order a complete lower to match with my psa upper, do I just essentially have to mount the upper to the lower? This is my first AR I've ever owned so sorry if it's a dumb question, thanks!.
I had $475 in my comparative build after FFL transfer fee. I went with MBUS rear sight. The trigger came in right at 8 lbs.
what happened to the link for the sight?
Love mine

And those are all fired fully automatic.
If you want to know what AR-15 need the least maintenance go to mr. Guns and gear at Battlefield Vegas. PSA rules.
What about the transfer fee for the lower
if you only purchase a complete upper, do you have to ship it to an ffl, or can you ship to your own address? someone was telling me you dont have to ship it to an ffl but i dont believe him because he lies a lot.
I have the exact build as you, minus the pistol grip, and I bought a Magpul flip up rear sight, with a black hexmag. I just got my lower today, I have right at 475 into it. It shoots like a champ and it's sexy as hell.
Thanks for a good video.
Concise and complete video. Most videos I've seen on this subject tend to leave out costs for mags, sights, and slings. I bought a very similar setup from PSA, but it was the rifle kit sans lower. Can't wait for it to come in so I can build it. Mine's going to cost slightly more than the $450, but that's because I wanted a carry handle rear sight and a bayonet aesthetics. Thanks for posting this video.
Great video man! How would you rate the accuracy of this barrel? I'm a budget shooter and this seems impossible to beat.
Nice video. Was wondering. Can you mount a light to this model? If so where and have you ever tried it?
Has anyone had issues with American Eagle ammunition? I have a lot of misfires, either the primers are really hard, or my firing pin isn't hitting hard enough. Fiocchi ammo has run fine. Also have you run any steel case through this rifle, if so how has it worked?
704 as in Charlotte NC?
I essentially have the sme AR but I got a free float handguard and a 16in barrel for $530
Would it be better to go with a melonite treated barrel for just a bit more?
Good review.
I have that same rifle, built on an Anderson Mfg lower. I have roughly 500-600 rounds through mine and haven't had any malfunctions.
I would keep my eye out for another rear sight. I had a friend buy one of those $10 amazon sights just like that. It worked OK until the rifle slipped off the table it was resting against and fell on the sight. We never did find all the pieces that exploded out of the sight
you have a friend that has an FFL that transfers guns for you for free or did you pay the transfer as well
Both upper and lower have been out of stock for a while at PSA and the sight is about $15 with shipping from Amazon.
What kinda sling, and where did you get it?
so all i have too do in buy the stuff in both links then put it together, sorry first time lol
Built mine out of "blemished" PSA parts, and I'm totally satisfied with what I got. My build came in at just under $600, and the main difference is that I've got a different barrel and gas system length. The "blemishes" were entirely cosmetic, and I corrected all but one of them myself.
few years ago (after sandy hook however) i built one for $250 scouring a few fourms with classified sales areas with a mix of used and new parts. she shot true and its was a $250 Ar15! lets hope more back the sport and culture and tell the politicians to F off!
Nice video. Good build. Thanks for sharing.
I would love to see a follow up video at 500 or 1000 rounds to see how it held up!
Another great video showing how easy it is for those whose budget can't handle buying a name. Great job!
very nice its very cheap there :0 here in Brazil its illegal :/ in a black market its costs about 100.000 dollars or more
I bought one around a year ago, slapped on a bump fire. 2000 rnds in, no malfunctions.
Nice video man! Keep up the great content.
I know this is a budget build rifle vid but I watched your SBR vs AR Pistol shoot. I just made my first AR Pistol but I suck at shooting it. You shot pretty good with your short barrel platforms and wondered if you ever plan to do a how to shot AR Pistol SBRs better
Great review brother I did a review on a PTAC for about the same money, take care
I hope we get to see more videos on this rifle. I bought the same upper from PSA and I have been very pleased with the results. Thanks for the quality videos as always brother.
Great video, I have that same rifle it's great. What r your thoughts on the ar pistol kit from PSA!
C clamp hold is gay
built mine for $400 did a review on it as well
great minds think alike, lol just got something very close for a little less than 450., pencil barrel thou.. I have found that it's cheaper to get complete lowers from PSA than build them.
Nice review. One day I'd like to drive down to a PSA store!
can you do a budget build A10 .308, I'm waiting to build one but would like to see how you did it for reliability and accuracy.
Awesome video bro thanks for all the quality content