Is the Bushmaster ACR better than an AR15? This video will help you decide.
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The music in this video is called “Club Diver” by Kevin MacLeod from incompetech.com
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man old Matt is so dry and boring
Wow these are your baby pictures this is before your head your grill fixed wow good show
The heir apparent to the AR until bushmaster fd it up.
It’s funny to watch this video with you driving that truck knowing it got shot and ran over…by a tank…twice lol
Back when $2,000 was too expensive
Hey look they made a perfect replica of the scar in fornite
4:35 mobility
Classic days lol
Super cool but for more than 2 grand? I think I rather buy a BCM mk12
the acr really looks like a scar
Haha its a scar
That is one sexy rifle!
It’s technically a Remington tho
trying to hit a target from a moving platform is REALLY hard to do!!!!!!!
wow, nice watching your old videos and seeing how you have grown into your character!
Those sideburns are dank
Looks like Magpul Masada
That looks just like a scar like if watching in 2018
Will you do a SCAR?
go P-MAG!!
6:25 is that extended mag
I will buy it Matt !
what's the difference between ar 15 an m4 help me
Thats the scar from fortnite
He looks like a baby without his beard
That is a ugly rifle.
Mw2 flashbacks lol
I thought he had a gopro mount on his gun till i saw the car view .____.
Is that automatic
You should get I gun pro Matt
oh man I've gone back a long time
America, fuck yeah!!
Cringed so hard when you dropped that mag.
Whoah! You look like a fetus without your beard!
Easily my favorite gun
Dude.. U got the best firearms videos on Utube! Keep em. Coming
Bruh.. Was this video a joke? Not saying that in a harsh way and i realize it was made almost 5 years ago but hes soo much more subdued than he is now, the first 5-8 minutes i was laughing and fully expecting him to just look at the camera, say "gotcha" then do his title screen, i mean all in all good video but its crazy to see how far hes progressed in 5 years, 10/10 keep it goin
Havent seen beardless matt in a while
You should buy a cm901
Why would you sell it
Couple grand? I just picked up my enhanced acr with 2 mags and a fore grip for about 1300
What's wrong with Walmart ammo? It's the same stuff you pick up everywhere else.
Eh….. it's good but not a survive the apocalypse gun. The beauty of the ar15 is it's ability to swap components.