Home EOTech Spray Painting My $5,000 AR-15

Spray Painting My $5,000 AR-15


H&K MR556A1……………………………………….$3200.00
Eotech EXPS3………………………………………….$679.00
Eotech G33 Magnifier……………………………….$589.00
M600 Ultra Scout Light…………………………….$299.00
Magpul CTR Carbine Stock – Mil-Spec…………$59.95
Magpul RVG Rail Vertical Grip…………………….$24.95
Magpul Pistol Grip MOE K2 Plus…………………$24.95
HK Folding Sight, Tritium-BLK…………………..$144.00
Rear Folding Sight, Tritium-BLK………………..$164.00
S.O.E. 2 to 1 Point Convertible Sling…………..$65.00

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  1. If you spent 5k on a AR the your a idiot. Living with mommy and daddy and spending their money makes you a brat. I will meet you anywhere and out shoot your dumb ass with a 700.00 dollar AR lmfao

  2. WOW some real jealous bitches in here crying about him bragging or whatever shit thing they can say. Nice Gun Most of us watching like the up town projects!!! If your bitching about how much he spent go watch fucking sowing videos. Guns are a expensive hobby. STILL. Nice job buddy.

  3. $5,000 wow you are a chump are you including all the pieces of ship parts you bought and didn't use or you have two other uppers that you have for the same rifle because man you are a piece of shit a real dumbass

  4. Great Paint Job for sure! The thing I don't get is $3,200 AR-15??? When you could by ONE (1) Delton Echo 316 AR for $500 and kill the same targets out to 300 yards, right? Does the BAD GUY care whether the Bullet was fired from an Inexpensive AR, I don't think so…. Does the HK Clean itself at that price point? I bet you refuse to Fire Steel Case Ammo regardless of gun manufacturer. Yet there again, does the Bad Guy Care whether the Bullet that hit him was shot from a Brass or Steel Case? Heck no he doesn't since all he knows is that he is SHOT and that's if he wasn't killed… I get it, you got money pissing out your A$$, but I bet you a Dollar you Baby this gun because it cost so dang much? I suppose if I had the Money to Piss away, maybe I'd buy an HK AR but I doubt it. Again, Great Paint JOB…

  5. Hey man, I am so sorry. I just found your comment from last year in the Spam box on my account. I wish I would have seen it sooner, but whatever, I am here now! Great paint job, and awesome video!!!

  6. Yo, doesn't look too bad at all. My only issue here is my personal preference If I had spent $5000 on a weapon I would have cerakoted it. Otherwise you did aa good job on thaat.

  7. You should do that and then try what everyone else does with the laundry bag and lightly spray some of the areas that have to much solid color around. Maybe that would look good. IDK just spit balling here.

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