Home AR-15 AR 15 with bump stock

AR 15 with bump stock

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  1. You can and will always be able to bump fire any semi auto ! The bump stock just makes it easier and safer to do so ! What are they going to accomplish by making it illegal it's friggin ridiculous what politicians come up with down there on the hill

  2. Go ahead. Ban them. Ban all firearms. I'll just build one with a 3D Printer or fuckin go to a machinist's shop and build one instead of buying it. Government isn't taking away my rights to do shit.

  3. Everyone talking about gun control (especially these millennial kids) must not have paid attention in history class. Hitler was able to disarm and control Germany with the same tactic of making children grow up uncomfortable with guns and as a result they were adults who voted in gun laws that eventually lead to the German government having the ability to dictate the country because they were unable to defend themselves. History is repeating itself and these children who are going to vote away guns are ruining their future and are too young to understand how. God bless America because we really need it…

  4. There's no point in banning guns because "thugs" will always manage to get them anyways. I watched a video about cops arresting criminal minors(look it up), and two 14 & 15 year old kids had machine pistols stuffed down in their pants…. How can you imagine they got their hands on 'em???

  5. And after seeing that you still think thats what was used in vegas youre a fool..sounded nothing like that and the bursts were much longer…i swear it was another thing were being set up and lied to about in a fully government backed plot to take your god given american rights away. The constitution says "and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity." the declaration says to secure these god given rights we have governments..and it is the right of the people to alter or abolish them if they become abusive of these rights..a god given right of a citizen of a free state is to be armed to protect these rights..we are free citizens not subjects.we must not be tricked into giving our rights and liberties away for the false hope of security from a government we no longer trust.

  6. Everyone on here commenting would change their tune the instant a madman killed one of their family or loved ones, I think the answer is that everybody in America needs to lose a loved one to gun violence.

  7. Those are awesome but probably should
    Be illegal realistically, because who’s really going to use that for target practice? Probably running off 10 dollars in shells every 30 seconds

  8. lol so that's what a bump stock is.. lol im sorry but banning those are just going to be impossible. looks like something a fucking highschool art student could even make out of paper mache

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