Home EOTech Eotech G33 Magnifier Pros and Cons

Eotech G33 Magnifier Pros and Cons


Advantages and disadvantages of using an Eotech Magnifier.

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  1. Couple things not stated. The Eotech magnifier is no replacement for a actual scope as the eye relief, the eye box, and the FOV would be inferior to most all scopes. Also if your rifle is ejecting casings at the 4-5 o'clock, the casings will hit your magnifier when the magnifier is flipped over to the right. This is especially true for guys running adjustable gas blocks on AR's who are dialing in their recoil or changing from suppressed to unsuppressed. On the plus side using a magnifier behind your red dot will really let you sight in your rifle especially at a 36/300 BZO ensuring your rifle is dead nuts accurate. Also 10 ounces placed over your strong arm/ closer to your core does not feel like 10 ounces as compared with an optic or weapons light that is placed in front or away from your core. So weight shouldn't be an issue unless you skipped a lot of gym days.

  2. Left my AR in a soft case on top of my truck, forgot about it and drove down the road. At about 30mph the gun flew off the roof of the truck onto asphalt. The G33 took most the damage, flip to side mount leans a little off center when in the up position, scratch to the adjustment knob on top. That's it, optics are still crystal clear, it's still waterproof, and let me say it took a beating coming off that truck. Bulletproof magnifier.

  3. I agree. They are VERY costly. I don't have any experience with the primary arms 3x. However, I couldn't imagine PA matching up to the dependability and mount on the EOTech. I'm sure the Aimpoint is just as high of quality. And the quality of glass is very impressive. But they are about $400 more than Primary Arms.

  4. Been wanting to compare these and the Aimpoint version to a Primary Arms version.  I can't get over the cost of these considering all they are is 3x magnification.  Keep up the vids.

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